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#1 Re: Help Me ! » Dispersing Points to An Advantage » 2011-05-24 07:12:27

Thank you ever so much for your help, your patience and your guidance.

In this post, I will do the following:
1) Answer John's earlier questions (which were directed towards my initial Simple Example, given in above posts).
2) Give a More Complex Real Life Example of the problem and show how I've arrived at the solution,
as well as solutions for more complex examples. As a matter of fact: This Forum has helped me tremendously
in that it has forced me to be much more clear in my thinking, and I think I now have all the answers
I currently need: BUT -- I WANT TO SHARE THEM WITH YOU NOW smile smile smile


1) John, here are the answers to your earlier questions:

JohnA: The maximum increase in points a saleswoman can get in a month is unlimited.
The points have to do with sales in her "Promote-Outs"
(people she has sponsored who are at her level, and those they have sponsored who are at that same
level) and since there is no maximum in the amount someone can sell, there is no maximum here.
NOTE: I will begin using the term "Promote-Out Points" in lieu of "group of points",
as I think it is a clearer term to use now, that I have given the above explanation.

(Please see my clarification of Rule 3 below.)

RULE 3 CLARIFICATION (For Simple Example):
The maximum number of points a saleswoman is able to use over the 2 months (FOR EACH Promote-Out) is 4.
I think of the maximum number of points for a Promote-Out, as being "slots".
In this Simple Example, the number of "slots" for each "Promote-Out" is 4 over 2 months.
There are 4 slots that can be filled with p1 (Promote-Out1 Points).
There are 4 slots that can be filled with p2 (Promote-Out2 Points).
m1p1_used + m2p1_used <= 4 
m1p2_used + m2p2_used <= 4

JohnB: The maximum increase in points a saleswoman can get in a days is unlimited.
(See anwer to JohnA to find out why.)

JohnC: A saleswoman who spends 2 out of 3 points in a certain "group of points" ("Promote-Out Points") in a month,
will automatically start with 0 points the next month for each "Promote-Out"
however, those 2 "slots" of points in that "Promote-Out" will be available for her to use,
provided she earn 2 points or more in that "Promote-Out" in the new month.

ALSO: I need to clarify that this problem looks BACK over time.
So: Since today is in May 2011. In this example, we would be looking at April 2011 and May 2011.

JohnD: There is no keeping of points over months, but what there is, is the allowing the ability to use
the available "slots" in a next month, provided the saleswoman earns the points to fill the "slots".


2) Here is a slightly modified real life example (using a more complicated set of rules).

1) Each saleswoman has 3 months to qualify. [There are also 2 month qualifications, 
   but by figuring out the 3 month algorithm, a 2 month qualification calculation should be able to use that same algorithm,
   or a slight modification of it.
   There are only 2 and 3 month qualifications]
2) Each saleswoman can have unlimited "Promote-Outs" in each 3 months to qualify, however having more than 3 is quite rare.
3) The maximum number of points a saleswoman is able to use over the 3 months FOR EACH Promote-Out is 128000 [THIS IS ALWAYS A CONSTANT]
4) For month1, this saleswoman needs to make at least the following over all her Promote-Out for month1: 110360  [THIS VARIES PER SITUATION, DEPENDING ON OTHER SALES NUMBERS THE SALESWOMAN HAS]
   For month2, this saleswoman needs to make at least the following over all her Promote-Out for month2:      0  [THIS VARIES PER SITUATION, DEPENDING ON OTHER SALES NUMBERS THE SALESWOMAN HAS]
   For month3, this saleswoman needs to make at least the following over all her Promote-Out for month3: 113320  [THIS VARIES PER SITUATION, DEPENDING ON OTHER SALES NUMBERS THE SALESWOMAN HAS]
NOTE: This saleswoman happens to have 2 Promote-Outs

Again: We are looking BACK over time, from the third month back to the first to see how we can get her to qualify for promotion to the next level.
So, for instance, if this analysis was for the current day, since today is in May 2011: 
month1 = March 2011
month2 = April 2011
month3 = May 2011

Here are her points for her 2 Promote-Outs over the past 3 months.

m1p1 = 105234   |   m1p2 = 50306.50   //She'll need to use the following number of points from this, to promote to the next level, 
(it is wisest to just use the minimum needed): 110360 [Rule 4 (for month1) = 110360]
m2p1 =  66940   |   m2p2 = 37778      //She really should not use any of this, since it'll be using the "slots" that could be used if she makes the points next month [Rule 4 (for month2) = 0]
m3p1 =  99591   |   m3p2 = 45985      //She happens to need the following number of points this month: 113320 [Rule 4 (for month3) = 113320]

By just adding the numbers up, not trying to optimize the saleswoman's dispersion of points, the saleswoman would NOT advance to the next level:

Here is why:

So, for month1:
m1p1 + m1p2 = 105234 + 50306.50 = 155540.5 (by the way, remember, for month1 only 110360 is needed) [Rule 4 (for month1) = 110360]
Now, p1 has the following available to be used for the next 2 months: p1_slot_left = 128000 - 105234    = 22766   [Rule 3 = 128000] [m1p1 = 105234]
Now, p2 has the following available to be used for the next 2 months: p2_slot_left = 128000 -  50306.50 = 77693.5 [Rule 3 = 128000] [m1p2 =  50306.50]

Then if without optimization, all of the points are used in month2.

So, for month2:
Since p1_slot_left = 22766,   though m2p1 = 66940 , since p1_slot_left < m2p1 , only p1_slot_left can be used, so: m2p1_used = p1_slot_left = 22766
Since p2_slot_left = 77693.5, though m2p2 = 37778,  since p2_slot_left > m2p2 , only m2p2 can be used, so m2p2_used = m2p2 = 37778

m2p1_used + m2p2_used = 22766 + 37778 = 60544 (by the way, remember, for month2 0 is needed however) [Rule 4 (for month2) = 0]

So, for month3:
Now, p1_slot_left (for month3) = p1_slot_left (for month2) - m2p1_used = 22766 - 22766 = 0
Now, p2_slot_left (for month3) = p2_slot_left (for month2) - m2p2_used = 77693.5 - 37778 = 39915

Since p1_slot_left = 0, though m3p1 = 99591 , since p1_slot_left < m3p1 , only p1_slot_left can be used, so: m3p1_used = p1_slot_left = 0
since p2_slot_left = 39915, though m3p2 = 45985,  since p2_slot_left < m3p2 , only p2_slot_left can be used, so: m3p2_used = p2_slot_left = 39915

BUT: We need 113320 [Rule 4 (for month3) = 113320], so the saleswoman does NOT qualify to promote to the next level.

This is how her points were used:

m1p1_used = 105234   |  m1p2_used = 50306.50      
m2p1_used =  22766   |  m2p2_used = 37778      
m3p1_used =      0   |  m3p2_used = 39915


HOWEVER: If we optimize, this is how she COULD use the points to show she SHOULD promote:

m1p1_used = 60053.50 |  m1p2_used =  50306.50      60053.50 + 50306.50 = 110360 (which is how much she needs [Rule 4 (for month1) = 110360] -- so she has saved some p1 "slots" from m1p1 to use in m3p1)   
m2p1_used =     0    |  m2p2_used =      0         she needs nothing here (so she is saving the p1 "slots" and the p2 "slots" from m2p1 and m2p2 to use in m3p1 and mp3p2) [Rule 4 (for month2) = 0]
m3p1_used = 67946.50 |  m3p2_used =  45985         67946.50 + 45985 = 113931.5 (all she needed was 113320). [Rule 4 (for month2) = 113320]

This is how my mind figured out this example, though more complex examples (for instance more than one "maxed-out" Promote-Out) would need a more complex formula:

NOTE: I use the term "maxed-out" Promote-Out to indicate that the points in the Promote-Out over all qualification months equal more than the maximum amount allowed.
For instance, in the above example: m1p1 + m2p1 + m3p1 > [Rule 3 = 128000] [BUT YOU WILL LEARN LATER IN THIS POST, THAT I THINK I NOW HAVE AN ALGORITHM TO FIGURE THAT OUT TOO :) ]

Since we don't need m2p1 and m2p2, just know we will use 0 of each (and not include them in the "slot" calculations below).
Then add up what we have in m1p1 + m3p1 (p1 "slot") --> 105234 + 99591  = 204825 (this is over 128000 [Rule 3 = 128000], so we know we will NOT be able to use all of it.)
Then add up what we have in m1p2 + m3p2 (p2 "slot") --> 50306.50 + 45985 = 96291.5 (this is under 12800 [Rule 3 = 128000], so we know we can use all of this.)

We will need m1p1 + m1p2 to equal 110360 [Rule 4 (for month1) = 110360] We can use all of m1p2, so --> 110360 - 50306.50 = m1p1_used = 60053.5
So we have the following left for p1 "slots" [Rule 3 = 128000] 128000 - m1p1_used  =  128000 - 60053.50 =  67946.5 [p1_slot_left]
(We will call p1_slot_left that occurs after m1p1_used calculations are made: m1p1_slot_left .)
Since nothing is needed for month2 qualifications m2p1_slot_left = m1p1_slot_left
Since m3p1 has 99591, we can not use all of it, but can only use  67946.5 [m2p1_slot_left] 
m3p1_used = m2p1_slot_left = 67946.5 (now m3p1_slot_left = 0)
For m3p2_used: m3p2 = 45985 ; m2p2_slot_left = 77693.5 ( [Rule 3 = 128000] - m1p2_used - m2p2used = 128000 - 50306.50 - 0 = 77693.5 )
m3p2 <  m2p2_slot_left, so: m3p2_used = m3p2.
m3p2_used = 45985

NOTE: My writing this post has helped me complete an pseudo-code for this example. (Writing does clarify thinking :), at least mine :) )

1) More than one Promote-Out has more points than can be used

if (RULE4_Month2 = 0) then   //NOTE: RULE4_Month2 turns out to very often be 0.

    if ((m1p1 + m3p1) > RULE3) then
        p1_maxout = true;
        p1_maxout = false;
    end if

    if ((m1p2 + m3p2) > RULE3) then
        p2_maxout = true;
        p2_maxout = false;
    end if


    if ((m1p1 + m2p1 + m3p1) > RULE3) then
        p1_maxout = true;
        p1_maxout = false;
    end if

    if ((m1p2 + m2p1 + m3p2) > RULE3) then
        p2_maxout = true;
        p2_maxout = false;
    end if

end if

if ( (p1_maxout = true) && (p2_maxout = false) ) then

   m1p2_used = m1p2;
   m1p1_used = RULE4_Month1 - m1p2;

elseif ((p1_maxout = false) && (p2_maxout = false) ) then

   m1p1_used = m1p1; 
   m1p2_used = m1p2;

elseif ( (p1_maxout = false) && (WillBeAbleToUseAllPoints2 == false) ) then

   m1p1_used = m1p1;
   m2p2_used = RULE4_Month1 - m1p1;


  //NOTE: I have figured out another algorith for the case where more than one group Promote-Out Point is "maxed-out"
  //Please see that algorithm later in this post.

end if

m1p1_slot_left = RULE3 - m1p1_used;
m1p2_slot_left = RULE3 - m1p2_used;

if (RULE4_Month2 = 0) then   //NOTE: RULE4_Month2 turns out to very often be 0.

    if (m3p1 >= p1_slot_left) then
        m3p1_used = p1_slot_left
        m3p1_used = m3p1
    end if

    if (m3p2 >= p2_slot_left) then
        m3p2_used = p2_slot_left
        m3p2_used = m3p2
    end if


    if (m2p1 >= p1_slot_left) then
        m2p1_used = p1_slot_left
        m2p1_used = m2p1
    end if

    if (m2p2 >= p2_slot_left) then
        m2p2_used = p2_slot_left
        m2p2_used = m3p2
    end if

end if

There is a much more complicated situation when more than one group of "Promote-Out Points" is maxed-out.

Here is how I have figured the algorithm for beneficially dispersing the points in that situation:

I have created a group of Constants for data that we know in advance:

P_ALLOWED // the number in Rule 3
M1P1 // the promote-out points for the first  promote-out for month1
M1P2 // the promote-out points for the second promote-out for month1 [Note, since there can be an unlimited number of promote-outs, I will be using an array of M1P's in my code
M2P1 // the promote-out points for the first  promote-out for month2
M2P2 // the promote-out points for the second promote-out for month2 [Note, since there can be an unlimited number of promote-outs, I will be using an array of M2P's in my code
M3P1 // the promote-out points for the first  promote-out for month3
M3P2 // the promote-out points for the second promote-out for month3 [Note, since there can be an unlimited number of promote-outs, I will be using an array of M3P's in my code
M1_NEEDED // the number of points needed for month1 (Rule 4)

The following are derived values:
m1p1_perc // the percentage of m1p1 that is used in comparison with m1p2_perc to get the M1_NEEDED. m1p1_perc + m1p2_perc = 100% (when there are 2 groups of "Promote-Out Points")

m1p1_used // the number of points for month1 that the first Promote-Out group uses to meet the goal.

m1p1_slot_left // the number of points "slots" left for the first Promote-Out group after the m1p1_used have been subtracted from P_ALLOWED.

I have found that the following is ALWAYS true:

(M1P1 / (M1P1 + M1P2))  + (M1P2 / (M1P1 + M1P2))  = 1

m1p1_perc = M1P1 / (M1P1 + M1P2)
m1p2_perc = M1P2 / (M1P1 + M1P2)

m1p1_used = M1_NEEDED * m1p1_perc
m1p2_used = M1_NEEDED - m1p1_used

m1p1_slot_left = P_ALLOWED - m1p1_used
m1p2_slot_left = P_ALLOWED - m1p2_used

m2p1_perc = M2P1 / (M2P1 + M2P2)
m2p2_perc = M2P2 / (M2P1 + M2P2)

m2p1_used = M2_NEEDED * m2p1_perc
m2p2_used = M2_NEEDED - m2p1_used

if (m2p1_used > m1p1_slot_left) then
    m2p1_used = m1p1_slot_left
end if

if (m2p2_used > m1p2_slot_left) then
    m2p2_used = m1p2_slot_left
end if

m2p1_slot_left = m1p1_slot_left - m1p2_used
m2p2_slot_left = m1p2_slot_left - m2p2_used

m3p1_perc = M3P1 / (M3P1 + M3P2)
m3p2_perc = M3P2 / (M3P1 + M3P2)

m3p1_used = M3_NEEDED * m3p1_perc
m3p2_used = M3_NEEDED - m3p1_used

if (m3p1_used > m2p1_slot_left) then
    m3p1_used = m2p1_slot_left
end if

if (m3p2_used > m2p2_slot_left) then
    m3p2_used = m2p2_slot_left
end if

So: Now I have the algorithms to get the amount to use for each Promote-Out group in each month, to give the saleswoman the greatest chance of promoting to the next level  :)

I hope I was clear in this post. Thank you so much for any help you can give to aid in writing a formula which will determine the best way to disperse the points
to allow the saleswoman to advance to the next level.

smile Anne

#2 Re: Help Me ! » Dispersing Points to An Advantage » 2011-05-20 01:45:34

Thank you so very much Bobby!!!

Your advice is very helpful.
I will follow it while composing my next post,
which will have a real example in it and
be more precise in stating all conditions of the model.

smile Anne

#3 Re: Help Me ! » Dispersing Points to An Advantage » 2011-05-20 01:12:22

Hi again, Math Friends,

I am working on explaining the problem better and will answer your thoughtful questions, John, in my next post.
I hope to have that post completed and submitted later today.

Thank you again for your interest.
This has been the only forum out of 2 others, where I have gotten any help with this problem.
smile Anne

#4 Re: Help Me ! » Dispersing Points to An Advantage » 2011-05-19 02:53:32

Hi John,

Let me elaborate a bit more, as I have been pondering over your last response.

Once a saleswoman reaches her position, she cannot be demoted --at least by these rules.
(I thought to mention this because of your concern:
"or holds onto a minimum at the end of 2 months to keep his position" )

I hope this helps to clarify.

Thank you again!
smile Anne

#5 Re: Help Me ! » Dispersing Points to An Advantage » 2011-05-19 02:43:29

What a wonderful forum this is!!!

Also, I appologize for messing up the format of the scroll bar by my second response above.

I will elaborate:

1) Each member has 2 months to qualify (If the saleswoman does not meet rule #4 for the first month. That is does not have a sum of 4, then she gets to start over, and the next month will be her first month.)
2) Each member has 2 groups of points in each 2 months to qualify with. (I'm not sure how to elaborate here)
3) The maximum number of points a member is able to use  OVER THE 2 months is  4
4) A sum of at least 4 points must be attained in each month over each 2 groups of points (I'm not sure how to elaborate here)

I'm not sure what you mean by every 15 or 16 days something happens.

smile Anne

#6 Re: Help Me ! » Dispersing Points to An Advantage » 2011-05-19 02:12:31

Thank you ever so much for responding to my question! I have written 2 other forums and received no responses until yours.

Please forgive me, I miswrote one of the rules. I will correct the rules (see rule #3) and re-submit the question below:

1) Each member has 2 months to qualify.
2) Each member has 2 groups of points in each 2 months to qualify with.
3) The maximum number of points a member is able to use  OVER THE 2 months is  4
4) A sum of at least 4 points must be attained in each month over each 2 groups of points

Matrices below will all be ordered as follows:

m1p1) First Month and First Group of Points
m1p2) First Month and Second Group of Points
m2p1) Second Month and First Group of Points
m2p2) SecondMonth and Second Group of Points

m1p1   |   m1p2
m2p1   |   m2p2

3  |   4
2  |   3

Intuitively, I know the way to disperse the points to the advantage of the rules is

2  |   2
2  |   2

but, how do we reach that conclusion mathematically


While I have your attention :)  Here is a real example, with the word Seller used instead of Member, and Downline used instead of group of points

BUSINESS RULE: A Seller can only use a total of 128000 maximum points from each DownLine over the 3 month qualification period.
Note: This Seller has 2 Downlines, so 128000 x 2 = 248000 points total can be used over 3 months. There are enough points available, the trick is to determine how many points from each Downline to use each month so that the maximum points rule (above) for each Downline is not broken. Even if glancing at this, you can tell me the answer, what I need is an algebraic formula that I can use with different numbers for different Sellers to derive each answer. For instance: I know intuitively, the following (which is the second bold group near the bottom of this email), but I want to be able to derive it via an algorithm:

Month2TotalDownline1PointsUsedToReachNEEDED: 0
Month2TotalDownline2PointsUsedToReachNEEDED: 0

MaxPointsOver3MonthsUsableFromADowline:  128000
Month1PointsNEEDED:                      110360
Month2PointsNEEDED:                               0
Month3PointsNEEDED:                      113320
Month1TotalDownLine1Points:         105234
Month1TotalDownLine2Points:           50306.50
Month1TotalAllLegsPoints:               155540.50
Month2TotalDownLine1Points:          99591
Month2TotalDownLine2Points:          45985
Month2TotalAllLegsPoints:               145567
Month3TotalDownLine1Points:          99591
Month3TotalDownLine2Points:          45985
Month3TotalAllLegsPoints:               145567

Month1TotalDownline1PointsUsedToReachNEEDED:  ????  // total Month1 combined Downline1 + Downline2 = 110360
Month1TotalDownline2PointsUsedToReachNEEDED:  ????  // total Month1 combined Downline1 + Downline2 = 110360Month2TotalDownline1PointsUsedToReachNEEDED:  ????  // total Month1 = 0
Month2TotalDownline2PointsUsedToReachNEEDED:  ????  // total Month1 = 0

Month3TotalDownline1PointsUsedToReachNEEDED:  ????  // total Month1 combined Downline1 + Downline2 = 113320
Month3TotalDownline2PointsUsedToReachNEEDED:  ????  // total Month1 combined Downline1 + Downline2 = 113320

Thank you again, ever so much!

#7 Help Me ! » Dispersing Points to An Advantage » 2011-05-19 01:41:40

Replies: 12


I am a computer programmer and have an interesting math puzzle. I need the forumulaic answer for this so that I can build an application to tell members of a multi-level marketing company how to best use the points they get for selling.

1) Each member has 2 months to qualify.
2) Each member has 2 groups of points in each 2 months to qualify with.
3) The maximum number of points a member is able to use in each month is 4
4) A sum of at least 4 points must be attained in each month over each 2 groups of points.

Matrices below will all be ordered as follows:

m1p1) First Month and First Group of Points
m1p2) First Month and Second Group of Points
m2p1) Second Month and First Group of Points
m2p2) SecondMonth and Second Group of Points

m1p1   |   m1p2
m2p1   |   m2p2

3  |   4
2  |   3

Intuitively, I know the way to disperse the points to the advantage of the rules is

2  |   2
2  |   2

but, how do we reach that conclusion mathematically.

Thank you for any help that can be given,

Anne smile

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