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right this is really basic but I'm still having trouble grasping it.
ok I get rule #1 - in point A the value of f(x) should not be undefined or equal positive or negative infinity.
#2- not really sure about this one- does it mean f(x) should not be "flatlined" at point A?
#3 - ????
I "acquired" a nice book "calculus workbook for dummies" - atm going through it
I know they do for integration, not certain what else. But you can check your work without a program... just grab a friend or a teacher or heck, even us.
Typically, students want those programs not to learn, but to get the answer on a homework. When it comes time for an exam or quiz, they fail miserably.
right, but the problem is that if I do indeed try to just solve stuff of egven minor complexity I will have error upon error, and end up with many pages of equations whose logic is about as dense as guatamalan gue. Is it really ok in this forum to just scan many pages and go "here- please correct this!"? (of course phrased more nicely ) Plus even in the best case scenario of omeone correcting me I still will have to wait hours if not more to see the correct way.
right, I am searching for a program that will solve stuff like trigenometric equations, operations with matrices, limits, logs and finding f(x)' in a step-by-step fashion so I can compare it with my own solutions and see where I go wrong. Does a program like this even exist?
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