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#1 Re: Computer Math » Self Avoiding Walk » 2014-10-20 11:28:43

I think you're interested in calculating the number of lattice animals or polyominoes that can fit inside a square section of the square lattice, see

The best way to count these is via transfer matrix methods, and the longest enumerations have been done by Iwan Jensen: (He may well have even longer series that he just hasn't got around to posting on the web.)

There's also a paper on the topic here: , and the oeis page is:

Unfortunately, these counts are for the total number of polyominoes with n squares, and so don't directly answer your question. However, the number of polyominoes inside a square is an intermediate step in the above transfer matrix calculation.

If you let me know what you need these counts for perhaps I can be of more help. Implementing a transfer matrix calculation takes a bit of time and effort, but for what it's worth the enumeration of polyominoes is on the easier end of the spectrum of problems that are studied this way.

Edit: this is a much better paper to read on the enumeration method:

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