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#1 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-15 06:05:56

Like I said, I'm sorry if I offended you in any kind of way. I will refrain on posting the same questions on both sites, since there is little left, I will then just finish the rest of the numbers with you Bobby. And then when it will be finished, I will be out of your way as swiftly as the wind.

Once I shall do my exam next week, I will keep you posted with my results and then I will close this thread with a Thank you letter.

OK! #13, #10, #9, #8, #5, #4, #3 are done and I understand them. Thank you.

#1,#2, #6, #7,#11, #12. Are the ones left. I will post the answers I got tonight, and then we will take it from there.

#2 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-15 05:00:44

I'm sorry if I have done wrong to both of you. This wasn't my intention. I just wanted to get help, insight, input, answers, from as much people as possible. So that if all agree on the same answers it would help me out in solving the problems efficiently, thoroughly, and properly with less confusion as possible.

If you do not want to help me out anymore, than I understand and I will not post anything anymore on this site and the other one as well. All you need to do is say STOP and I won't bother you both anymore.

I would like to thank both of you for all the help you gave me and the time you took in me.

So would I be able to continue to post here and get your help, or no?

#3 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-14 08:33:15

The reason being for multiposting on both sites, is because I want to come up to the same conclusions on both ends. I presume having more heads helping me out with the same problems, which gives me a better advantage in understanding how to solve these questions with multiple techniques.

You might give me a way how to solve it, and maybe the other person might have an easier way of doing the same problem. Or you might not be able to verify a number because there might be some facts missing and the other person might see all of the facts present and can solve it. So I'm not choosing sides here if that is what you mean. Since this is my final book and the exam will be based almost similarly as this pretest, which will be next week for me.

That is why I am trying to get all the calculations for each number, and detailed explanations from both parties, in order to choose the most logical answers and thus understand my mistakes so that I can rectify them as quickly as possible and not repeat them.

I'm sorry if you feel like I offended you in any way, this was clearly not my intention. I just want, help from both sides and in order to compare my calculations to both of yours in order to see the logic and errors I have done.

If need be, I will not post anything on the other site anymore and just do everything just with you.

Thanks again, for your time and reasoning.

#4 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-14 03:17:50

P.P.S. Also if you can take a look back at #1, I solved it but I don't get it can that actually be the answer or not, because it makes no sense to me. Because when you use the calculations it gives you in the end of it all -0.4 etc... Which in this case it gives me a negative and thus comes out to saying that it has no zeros. Can this be the plausible answer? Or did I do something wrong?

#5 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-14 03:13:26

Thank you very much, I realized where my mistake was but my reasoning was correct by interpreting the problem.

Now I understand better when you explain to me with equations, it helps me realize not to make the same mistakes anymore and it gives me even a better understanding of the problem.

So if you have the chance to do the same with number #11 and #12. I would see better where I'm at fault.

P.S. Sorry that I wasn't on last night, I had a long school day, I just passed out when I got home. Later on today I will post my answers for number #7, #8 and #9 so that we can verify them more in depth.

Thanks alot, talk to you soon.

#6 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-13 10:36:12

Thank you for the reply.

Would it be possible, for you to give me the detailed calculations that you used to solve #11,#12,#13?
In order for me to understand it a bit better. It would be easier for me to understand the mathematical equation more, If I was to have the calculations. Like that I could compare mine with yours.

Thank you.

#7 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-13 01:09:58

P.S. If you can take a look at #9 before I come back so that we can start off there right away. It would be very generous of you. I will go ahead and post the other 3 numbers right now so that maybe you can take a look at these as well while I'm not there. I have provided the answers with them, so If you can look them over and tell me if there is any mistakes and how to fix them as well. Thank you in advance and I'll see you later today.

11. A manufacturer packages Styrofoam balls in two similar boxes of different sizes.
    The smaller box is 90 cm high and the area of its base is 360 cm2(squared).
    The area of the base of the larger box is 640cm2(squared).

    A worker in the company maintains that the larger box can hold at least twice as many Styrofoam balls as the smaller box.
    Check whether or not his claim is correct. Show Work!

My Answer:

640/360= 64/36= 16/9= 1.7
His claim is incorrect. The box can hold 1.7 times more balls then the small one.

Please if this is correct then do say it. If it's not then what should the right answer be?

12. A garden is rectangular in shape.
    One of the sides of the garden is 12 meters  long and forms an angle of 23*(degrees) with one of the diagonals.
    The garden will be reshaped into a square that will be equivalent to the current rectangular garden.

    Given that the current garden is enclosed by a fence.
    Determine whether this fence will be long enough to enclose the square garden.
    Round off your answer to the nearest unit. Show Work!

My answer:

Tan 23o(degrees)= 9/12
0.4245*12= 5.09 m

area of rectangle= 12*5.09= 61.08 m2(square)

area of new square= √61.08= 7.82(side)

Two sides would have to be shortened and two sides would have to be increased.

Please if this is correct then do say it. If it's not then what should the right answer be?

13. A company sells products in cylindrical containers 16 cm high.
    To make transport easier, the company decides to modify the dimensions of the containers,
    while keeping them equivalent to the original containers.
    The height of the new containers will be increased by 9 cm,
    and the radius of the base will be decreased by 5 cm.

    If the label covers the entire surface of the cylinder,
    what will be the area covered by the label on the new container?
    Round off your answer to the nearest unit. Show Work!

My Answer:

2*(3.14)*(x-5)*25= 2*(3.14)*x*16= 157.07x-785.4= 100.53x
157.07x-100.53x= 785.4
x=13.89= r

2*(Pie=3.14)*(13.89-5)*25= 1396.44 cm2(square)

Please if this is correct then do say it. If it's not then what should the right answer be?

Thanks again, and I'll see you shortly.

#8 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-13 01:04:21

Well I can see what you mean. The thing is that as soon as I'm done with this last book, I can finally get to college since my prerequisites will finally be done with. I wasn't created in this life time to be a scientist, or some great mathematician. My path is different.

To me as long as I know the basics that I would need to survive with, would do me just fine. But what you have done for the past day, has helped me out more in this book than the last semester wasted with a teacher who doesn't give a hoot about how we learn just as long as we get out of her class ASAP. Which I find very disappointing.

Well I'm off to school for today so I will see you later this evening, and hopefully finish off these questions. I have 5 more numbers to go, and in the same time the ones we went through together yesterday, which I will post my answers and you can correct my mistakes so I have a better understanding.

#9 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 16:20:58

OK, like I said it was just a theory. I guess I will relax for tonight, so I will see you tomorrow with a bit more questions left and then I will stop abusing your mathematical mind, which helped me out a lot today. Thank you very much, for all that you have done for me, I have a bit more left and then I shall be done.

Well if you don't see me tonight, then Have a good day, a good evening and a good night.

#10 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 16:04:08

P.S. This is just for information purposes.
I talked to someone, about #2 and they came up with a theory that it might be connected with #1, do you think that is plausible?

#11 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 15:57:48

Thank you. I understand it now, I will re-do it tomorrow morning, and once I get the chance I will post my answer so that you can verify it.

Before I leave I just want to find out if #9 is as awful as #8 that I failed to do because of minor mistake that I did not take into consideration.

9. A quadrilateral is formed by joining the following points:

   A(3 , 5) , B(7 , -5) , C(2 , -10) , and D(-8 , -6).

   Using the formulas and principles related to the slopes and measures of the line segments
   show that this quadrilateral is an isosceles trapezoid. Show Work!

My Answer:

slope of AB= (3,5), (7,-5)
m= (-5-5)/7-3= -10/4= -5/2

slope of BC= (7,-5), (2,-10)
m= (-10-(-5))/2-7= -5/-5= 1

slope of CD= (2,-10), (-8,-6)
m= (-6-(-10))/-8-2= 4/-10= -2/5

slope of DA= (-8,-6), (3,5)
m= (5-(-6))/3-(-8)= 11/11= 1

distances= AB/CD= √(7-3)2(squared) + (-5-5)= √16+100= 10.77
                  √(-8-2)2(squared) + (-6-(-10))2(squared)= √100+16= 10.77

The segment AB, CD are the same in length and segment BC, DA are parallel.

If this is correct then please do say if it is, because a second opinion is always great,
if not then what would the right answer be?

After this # I will leave you alone for tonight, since you helped me out a lot for today. And start fresh off tomorrow with some more numbers for you to verify. And then I guess I should be ready to ace this puppy afterwords once I get your insight and finalize this horrendous test that I failed at.

#12 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 15:31:50

Thank you very much I just noticed the big mistake that I have made. So since it's a median I have to find the bisector of AB and connect it with vertex C ? Once this is done could I use the formula, slope= (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) and from there on proceeding to find the equation? Unless you have a faster method or better technique.

#13 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 14:54:16

I'm very sorry I made a mistake it is (6,-3) I must of forgot to input the -(minus)

#14 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 14:48:16

Usually they *wouldn't wright that down in the problem.

#15 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 14:42:38

Well to be honest the formula I used for somewhat reason did not give me the right answer and I used yours and it gave me a more simple and logical answer. There is only one thing that only puzzles me about #7 , because it says in the problem to round it off to the nearest tenth and with your formula it comes out to a full number? Usually they would wright that down in the problem.

#16 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 14:13:07

OK! So #7 is complete.

So now I'm ready to move onto #8.

8. Triangle ABC is formed by joining the following points:

   A(-3 , 2) , B(6 , 3) , and C(-1 , -1).

   What is the equation of the median drawn from vertex C? Show Work!

My Answer:

a. slope of AB= m= -3-2/6-(-3)= -5/9

b. slope of m2(squared)= (-1)/-5/9= 9/5

9/5= (y-(-1))/x-(-1)= 5y+5= 9x+9=   y=(9x+4)/5

If this is correct then please do say if it is, because a second opinion is always great,
if not then what would the right answer be?

#17 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 14:08:54

Ok, I sort of get it, your formula is quite useful! From what I understand the area of the parallelogram is 19, since the area of one triangle is 19/2 all I have to is multiply it by two for the area of the parallelogram.
Thank you for the help!

#19 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 11:23:10

To be honest I never seen this formula in my textbooks. And I'm pretty sure they wanted me to use the distance formula to solve this equation. Isn't the formula for a parallelogram b(Base)*(multiplied)by h(Height)?

#20 Help Me ! » Please Help me! Can this be solved? » 2010-01-12 11:06:45

Replies: 1

This is grade 10 math. Complement and Synthesis.

10. Similar triangles ABC, DEF and DGC are shown in the figure below. ... math10.jpg

The area of the triangle ABC is 4 times the area of triangle DGC.
The ratio of the perimeters of triangle DGC and DEF is equal to 2/3.

Given the segment CF is 4 cm long. Determine the length of side AC.
Round off to the nearest tenth. Show Work!

Literally I didn't even touch this one because for somewhat reason I think this # cannot be solved(I think the person who created this test, might have omitted some info, I think) Well you can be the judge of that.
I mean I do not have anything in my textbooks telling me how to solve this problem, even my teacher is clueless, she couldn't solve it either.
So if you can solve this and make me understand it for once and for all then that would make you my Math God.
Thanks again, hoping to see if anybody can solve this baby.

#21 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 10:36:08

OK! So let's start at #7 then. Well since your saying that it's incorrect, then I guess I'm as lost as ever. So hopefully you can come up with a proper and detailed answer. Take your time, and thanks again.

#22 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 09:36:12

So is #2 solvable?

#7 it's pretty simple I calculated the area of the parallelogram. which in the end I rounded it off to 38.9 cm2(squared)

for #8 is my answer correct?

for #9 is my answer correct?

Thank you, I will be waiting for your reply.

#23 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 05:48:44

I'm not sure but I think there was a dot on the ray on the opposite side of the ? mark. Basically the total length of this: <---?---> on the opposite side there was a dot I presume, and that was all to the best of my knowledge. That's why I had a bit of confusion going on there as well I suppose there is something missing in that drawing if not for the dot.

If you figure that out then can you help me with the next following lovely questions?

7. Calculate the area of the parallelogram shown below.
   Round off to the nearest unit if necessary. Show Work!

My Answer:

distances length=d= √(x2-x1)2(squared) + (y2-y1)2(squared) <===(This whole part is square rooted)

BD=(1,4), (4,-3)
  √(4,-1)2(quared) + (-3,-4)2(squared) <===(This whole part is square rooted) = √9+49= √58= 7.62

AC=(0,0), (5,1)
  √(5,-0)2(squared) + (1,-0)2(squared) <===(This whole part is square rooted) = √25+1= √26= 5.1

bxh= 7.62*5.1= 38.86 cm2(square) =(Rounded off to) 38.9 cm2(square)

If this is correct then please do say if it is, because a second opinion is always great,
if not then what would the right answer be?

8. Triangle ABC is formed by joining the following points:

   A(-3 , 2) , B(6 , 3) , and C(-1 , -1).

   What is the equation of the median drawn from vertex C? Show Work!

My Answer:

a. slope of AB= m= -3-2/6-(-3)= -5/9

b. slope of m2(squared)= (-1)/-5/9= 9/5

9/5= (y-(-1))/x-(-1)= 5y+5= 9x+9=   y=(9x+4)/5

If this is correct then please do say if it is, because a second opinion is always great,
if not then what would the right answer be?

9. A quadrilateral is formed by joining the following points:

   A(3 , 5) , B(7 , -5) , C(2 , -10) , and D(-8 , -6).

   Using the formulas and principles related to the slopes and measures of the line segments
   show that this quadrilateral is an isosceles trapezoid. Show Work!

My Answer:

slope of AB= (3,5), (7,-5)
m= (-5-5)/7-3= -10/4= -5/2

slope of BC= (7,-5), (2,-10)
m= (-10-(-5))/2-7= -5/-5= 1

slope of CD= (2,-10), (-8,-6)
m= (-6-(-10))/-8-2= 4/-10= -2/5

slope of DA= (-8,-6), (3,5)
m= (5-(-6))/3-(-8)= 11/11= 1

distances= AB/CD= √(7-3)2(squared) + (-5-5)= √16+100= 10.77
                  √(-8-2)2(squared) + (-6-(-10))2(squared)= √100+16= 10.77

The segment AB, CD are the same in length and segment BC, DA are parallel.

If this is correct then please do say if it is, because a second opinion is always great,
if not then what would the right answer be?

Thank you in advance, and I appreciate the effort and time you put in to helping out.

#24 Re: Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-12 02:18:54

1.Thank you. I now  know where I made my mistake with this number. I mixed up the positive with the negatives.

2. I was lost on this one. I didn't get the chance to do it because I couldn't figure it out. Could you please help with that one as well?

Thank you again Bobbym it is very nice of you to answer so quickly, much appreciated.

#25 Help Me ! » Need Math grade 10! Help. Complement and Synthesis. » 2010-01-11 16:06:58

Replies: 43

1. Solve the following system of equations.
   Round off to the nearest tenth. Show work in algebraic solution.

   y = - x2(squared) - 6x - 5

   y = 3/4x + 6.5

2. A parabolic mirror is represented in the system, where the units are measured in centimetres.
   The parabola passes through point(10 , 9.625) and its vertex is point(25,4).

   At what distance from the y axis does the light ray strike the parabolic mirror?
   Round off to the nearest unit. Show Work!

The links are pictures or in this case (drawings) of the problems in accordance to the number(just copy and paste in new tab).

These are the pre-test questions I received. I can honestly tell you any help and answer would help out alot. I do not know where I made my mistakes as our teacher does not show us our results. So in this case I failed horribly as to the mark I received. I have in total 13 questions, in order to prep my self for the exam properly. So if there is any enthusiasts out there who can solve these problems and take on the challenge to answer the other 11 questions. Then you will save my life since this is my last book in order to finish sec 4 math or grade 10 math in this case.

The book is called Complement and Synthesis 1. It is a mixture of Parabolas, functions, geometry. Basically a summary of grade 10 math. In case if you never heard of it, it is only given out in adult education.

Thank you all in advance! Hope I can get some help out there.

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