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#1 2023-03-05 17:49:13

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 47,197

Breakfast Jokes - II

Breakfast Quotes - II

1. I'm an afternoon tea type of girl. I come from a Russian background where we love our teas. So between lunch and dinner after training I come home and I love a nice cup of tea with jam in it, as we drink it there. Black English Breakfast with raspberry jam is my favorite. - Maria Sharapova

2. The first time I was in London, I went to an English greasy spoon to get some breakfast and realised that all the waiters were speaking Italian. That's when it hit me what an international city this is. - Monica Bellucci

3. During the strict macrobiotic chapter of my life, I ate miso soup every day for breakfast and sometimes with dinner as well. - Gwyneth Paltrow

4. I love the routine. I love getting up in the morning and getting breakfast and packing lunches and doing the school run. Those things are really important to me. Because I think that those small but key moments are crucial for a kid. - Kate Winslet

5. I take my kids to school. And if I go to work, I go to work, and they visit me on set. I come home. I have dinner with my family. I have breakfast with my family. I have a very solid, very warm home. - Angelina Jolie

6. I live a pretty domestic and normal life. I make my kids breakfast most mornings, but nothing too elaborate - soft-boiled eggs and oatmeal. - Pierce Brosnan

7. I'm a big believer in creating family traditions. Every Tuesday morning, I make a proper eggs breakfast, and we all sit down and eat. - Ivanka Trump

8. My husband and I work to keep our weekends pretty unscheduled, which leaves room for spontaneity. I love low-key mornings at home, making breakfast with my kids, snuggling together in bed, and reading the papers. - Ivanka Trump

9. A Miami must-have is the trendy Panther Coffee in Wynwood. I like Alma Mexicana for the ever-popular breakfast burrito. For out-of-this-world Cuban food, the Cubano at Little Bread Cuban Sandwich Co. will satisfy your craving. My friends all love Shorty's Bar-B-Q for the mouth-watering corn on the cob and BBQ, of course. - Ivanka Trump

10. I always eat a huge breakfast on match days even though my stomach hates it. - Venus Williams

11. I'm just wanting to make the proper breakfast and keep the house. That's my passion. At the request of my kids, I'm taking cooking classes. As I go to sleep at night, I think, 'Did I do a great job as a mom, or was that an average day?' - Angelina Jolie.


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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