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Pages: 1
Hey, guys. I have a new website with a math game to help early learners practice addition and multiplication. It isn't too fancy but it is fun! Please give it a try and let me know what you think!
Nice program, good interface. Maybe add subtraction and division? Or maybe using those four operations with 3 numbers or more?
On the whole, it's pretty good.
Hi jd,
Not bad - you could make the actual puzzle (1+2=?) a bit bigger using css style.
And you might like to avoid using 0 in the sums until a bit later. 0+1 is actually harder than 1+1.
Kepp up the good work!
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
on the whole, it's okay. add more puzzles though and maybe start ENGLISH!!!! i love English cause' I always get the first in school. get it? thanks
Pages: 1