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Hello Phong! I hope you like it here
Hello! I hope you like it here, and I'm glad you have discovered the wonders of maths!
Hello! I'm Katie and I'm sure you'll like it here
Hello! My name's Katie
Now, that website's really cool
Welcome welcome welcome
My name's Katie - hi!
Thank you
I already like it a lot here
This isn't a Q20, but what are the 'A continents'? I've never heard that expression used before.
Neither, Identity!
This one is quite though, keep on trying.
Yeah, good luck with your oxford interview!
And another from me:
It bleeds without a cut.
It looses you over the Atlantic, and gains you on the way back.
What is it?
The riddle works better spoken, by the way.
So mathsyperson, that's not right
But well done Jane, that is corrrect!
Ok, here's my third:
A man lives on the top floor of an 100-floor block of flats.
Every morning, he takes the lift down down-the-stairs and goes to work.
Then, when he returns he gets the lift up to floor 60 and takes the stairs up the rest of the way, except for when its raining.
Why would he do this?
#18. Did he die after 1600?
Well, you're better than my friend! Correct
I have another one:
A man met two girls at a party and said to them, "You look so alike, you must be twins!"
And they said: "We are born on the same day, of the same month, of the same year, by the same parents, but we are not twins."
How is this possible?
Right, I have a riddle for you:
You are standing in a room with three doors.
Through the first door are three men with knives
Through the second door are three men with guns
Through the third door are three lions than haven't eaten three years.
Which door should you go through in order to survive?
It took me seconds by my friend couldn't get it. Can you?
#16. Was he German or Austrian?
I spent most of my maths lesson last week proving this to my friend, using the 0.333... = 1/3 and 3/3 = 0.9999999... way and eventually got her to believe me.
I like the other proofs too though, and I haven't seen most of them before.
Hello everybody My name's Katie and I just joined. As you probably guessed I really like maths. I've been looking around this site for ages so I thought I'd join up.
So um... hello.
I'm doing GCSE maths at the moment, by the way. Almost forgot!
Pages: 1