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Going back and checking the book's solution with what I now know, I think gAr's solution 9 7 8 4 2 5 6 3 is the one they should have gone with in the book instead of the 9 5 8 4 7 2 6 3.
If you go with how physics work, there is actually 4 weights on each side of the main pivot. With that in mind gAr's solution 9 7 8 4 2 5 6 3 works, which adds up to 57 on each side.
Either way, thanks again for all of your help.
There's a ton of math puzzles in the book I am solving at the moment, so I might be back to pick all of your magnificent brains.
Thanks a ton for explaning the math in the puzzle for me.
I guess the scale is just a bit weird.
But I understand how they got to the solution in the book now.
Also, now I know where to post all my math puzzles.
Isnt' the 4 weight considered to be on the left side of the scale.
Meaning the scale which the 8 and 4 are on, is considered to be on the left side of the main scale.
So shouldn't the 1*4 be on the left side instead of the right.
I'm not a math wizard. But I am starting to understand how they came to the solution.
The 9*3 you get from the 9 being three sections away from the middle and so on.
Just if you could explain how you got your numbers: 27 + 10 + 16 = 7 + 6 + 4 + 18 + 18
For example I understand that you got the 10 from 5 + 5, because the 5 was placed two sections away from the middle.
Could you explain how you got each of the numbers?
This is the solution from the book.
Could any of you explain how they came to this solution?
All weights have to be used.
There are 8 slots, and 8 numbers.
Don't think it matters what kind of weights they are, the numbers just have to be the same on each side so that scale is balanced.
Can only put each of the number onto the scale once.
If you put down a 2 that is one section away from the middle, it will remain a 2.
If you put down a 2 that is two sections away from the middle, it will become a 4.
Btw, I have a picture of the solution from the back of the book. I will post it in a bit, just thought I would give some of you a chance to solve it without it.
But the thing is, even with the solution, I haven't been able to work out how they came to the solution.
Would appreciate any help with this one.
It's from a swedish book, so I'll translate, even though we all speak swedish now don't we.
Balancing act.
The arms on these scales are divided into sections. A weight that is placed two sections away from the middle will become twice as heavy as a weight that is placed one section away. Will you be able to place the weights so that the scale will become balanced?
Pages: 1