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#1 Re: Puzzles and Games » Who owns the fish? » 2008-09-25 06:18:30


I have a different answer but it still works out.  I think where I went different was the clue about the green house being on the left of the white.  I interpreted that as it only had to be on the left, not directly on the left.  My answer is as follows:

House 1 Norwegian, Green, Coffee, Baseball and FISH
House 2 German, Blue, Water, Soccer and cats
House 3 Swede, Yellow, milk, hockey and dogs
House 4 Brit, Red, Beer, Billiards and horses
House 5 Dane, white, tea, polo adn Birds.

It still works and no clue says it is directly on the left just on the left.  Guess it can be interpreted different ways.

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