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Pages: 1
I too wasn't sure that "it" was a country or a territory. But I went with country and got it.
I scored 9/10. (Did not get #10)
Only 9?
It's Hungarian. I've never been there myself...but after a looksie.. on family tree type does appear that 9 is our number.
Oddly enough there are a few Aussie Kralics. They too originated in Hungary.
I've had Hungarian's not bad at all...don't see what the rush to split the family in half was. (and to split them to the opposite sides of the planet at that)
Maybe there was a big argument over something of little importance...
lolz. Hopefully my American half won the argument.
Hi AdamKralic
Welcome to the forum!
Excuse me for asking,but where are you from? It's okay if you don't want to say.
Currently residing in Illinois. There are about 9 Kralic's on the planet Earth...if you recognize the name...chances are great...
I'm building a puzzle site and constructing puzzles, riddles, ciphers...
Joined to learn about ideas that I've not considered yet...maybe give an idea or two here and there.
- Adam
Pages: 1