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Great news!
The information has been added to my main page within a blog and thereafter within the Other Techniques category. Proper credit has been provided along with a link.
Please advise if edits are required. I will visit here often for changes or other techniques as they become available. Also, because Math is Fun!
Thank you for your addition to my site. The content is a nice addition!
Wow, I'm never seen anyone else capable of doing this in their head unaided nor have I've seen this technique before.
How long does it typically take you to recite a day of week unaided?
On average. it typically takes me less than two seconds. Also, now that I'm older my response time has slowed some and I stick to dates after 2000. Actualy, one of the primary reasons that I continue to do this is to exercise my slowing thought processes.
Oh, I told my wife that there are two of us and she passed along a nice compliment to both of us. I've decided not to share due to the risk of getting banned. Lol
Thanks for sharing! I will review in more detail later and give it a whirl.
Do you mind, if I post your technique on my website providing source credit?
Hello Everyone,
My first post here!!!!
I've always been fascinated by Math and my wife thinks I'm sort of a nut.
I'm able to recite the 'Day of Week' for any date within seconds. It's true that only around one in a million people can do this but it's actually just a simple math trick / calculation.
Month (value) + Day (value) + Year (value) = Day of Week
My wife tells me that the reason only one in a million can do this is that 'Only one in a million people would want too'. LOL Actually, at 59 years old, I can only go back 10 years or so (two seconds) but I use to be able to go back into the 1800's.
As mentioned, this is easy to learn so here is a Level One Introduction for anyone wanting to learn.
For example:
May 6, 2017 was on a Saturday
The value of May is always a 0
The value of 2017 is always a 0
May (0) + 6 + 2017 (0) = 6
Saturday is the 6th day of the week.
So, what day of the week does Aug 3rd, 2017 fall on KNOWING Aug is always = 1.
If you got it right, you are one in a million and considered a Genius or a nut depending on if you ask for my wife's opinion. However, validate the effort below first.
Aug (1) + 3 (3) + 2017 (0) = 4 or the forth day of the week which is on a Thursday.
I love math and Math is Fun! .. so I developed an application to teach others how to learn this trick which I released yesterday. It's 100% free and 100% Ad free.
What's that Day?
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