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Well, my post has reached 241 views and yet no puzzle pioneer has replied. I thought that the possibility of innovating a new puzzle would be interesting to many people. So, now I ask for help, even if you are not interested or don't have time, copy the text I wrote and share it by email with your contacts, please. I think I could have a better chance of starting a conversation if I connect with retired people, they would have more free time, but people who have a mathematical mind to be able to analyze this puzzle. What I am proposing is a good intellectual exercise, which is something that retired people should do.
Greetings! I want to present here a new geometrical puzzle (I registered the description at the US Copyright Office). It has the advantage that individuals can, rather easily, create a puzzle and challenge other people to solve it. Puzzle creation is based on a known position that solves an n-queen problem. The squares of the diagonal(s) controlled by each queen are marked; a minimum of three queens are marked in a sequence following a rule that is defined by the puzzle designer. These rules have to be discovered by the puzzle solver by applying deductive reasoning on the squares that are controlled by two queens. The name of this new puzzle is Queenoku (if the markings are made with letters, the grid slightly resembles that of Sudoku). I have developed all the rules to create and solve this puzzle, but further development is needed to optimize the interactions between players in order to make the puzzle interesting, that is, to achieve the right balance of difficulty, not too easy but not too hard, since the number of possible puzzles for each n-queen solution is very large. This optimization can only be achieved by actually playing with the puzzle, and so far, only my wife and I have played it, that is why I am presenting it here, to reach a larger audience. I hope this post picks the curiosity of other people, and we can begin the experimentation. If my hope becomes a reality, this new puzzle could be interesting to many people (of course, not to everybody, like chess, for example, many people love it, but not everybody), so I am looking for help to possibly start a new puzzle trend. To share a puzzle, designers need to send the snapshot of a grid made on a spreadsheet. The description I registered is 14 pages long, including 13 diagrams, connections to number theory, and advanced puzzle features. Again, hope to hear back soon from some interested puzzle pioneers!
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