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#1 Re: Introductions » Math Classes and Tutoring » 2009-09-30 02:50:49

Hello.  I would suggest that you start by going to  You can also call 509-252-0888 and I can answer any questions you have.

Thanks for inquiring.

John Bovey
LIVE Classes  |  LIVE Workshops  |  LIVE Tutoring

#2 Introductions » Math Classes and Tutoring » 2009-09-24 09:50:06

Replies: 2

Hello.  My name is John Bovey and I run LIVE Online Math ( which offers math classes, workshops, and tutoring via LIVE, real-time online sessions.

* Classes: If you're a homeschooler looking to outsource the teaching of math, or maybe just have a different voice, one of our classes might be just what you're looking for. 
* Workshops: Workshops are mini classes that focus on a specific concept in math (i.e. graphing linear equations).
* Tutoring: 1 on 1 tutoring is also available.  The tutor makes a comment after every sessions which is posted to the customer account and also emailed for convenience.

All online sessions are LIVE and in real-time.  Students can see and hear the teacher.  They can ask and answer questions, as well as talk with each other.

Please visit or call 509-252-0888.

John Bovey
LIVE Classes  |  LIVE Workshops  |  LIVE Tutoring

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