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Why is it widely accepted accross all cultures that killing is wrong and a terrible thing?
Martha-RitaEvolutionary psychology. It is an artifact of our complex brains and evolution. In the most simplistic terms, I kill person X, the friends of person X kill me. Thus, those who kill tend to be killed and don't produce offspring.
Of course, it's much more complex than that, and the field is still very new to science. But that is the basics. Our brains are preprogrammed to not like killing.
Can't you kill and not be killed in responce?
And more ... we have empathy. We don't like to see people, or cute animals, suffer.
What about those who are sadistic?
Martha: We have souls? I'm sorry but that's just not a valid argument in my book. An assumption I bet you can't prove to me.
First off, IF you created a form of AI as you guys describe it, no way in hell you'd turn it off
Secondly I don't think you guys are describeing life, as some of you say, it's thoughts.
Third thing I have to say, is about the 'right to kill' thing. We all have the right(I don't like that word, right. As if it was some divine rule) to kill or destroy whatever we want. Acting against what we call moral and ethics doesn't make you a bad person, just a different person. It's obvious that the person would be "bad" according to most peoples beliefs, but I don't think that the words bad and good makes sence on it's own. It has to been bad - according to x or good - according to y.
Lastly I think this is very interresting, what if we could create thoughts? Human-made thoughts, although not in human brains, would mean, to me, that we're not that special after all.
So according to this belief there is no absolute right or wrong, good or evil. We may not like wars and innocent civilians bombed but there is nothing wrong with it? Hitlar is not evil just different?
Why is it widely accepted accross all cultures that killing is wrong and a terrible thing?
I'm starting to sound dangerously like a theist.
Maybe a bunch of codes randomly formed together which created a perfect digital world all by accident and coincidence just like our world.
The Matrix is different because that has real people that are trapped in the computer world.
Maybe what is different is the 'real' people have a soul otherwise deleting the digital people you have created in the digital world is no different than our world being 'deleted.'
Are we not programed by nature? We are programmed to eat when we are hungry, drink when we are thirsty and to multiply. We can view ourselves in the same way we view our digital creation all 'programed' to act a certain way, even with free will.
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