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Pages: 1
Our eldest son also has been diagnosed with ADD so I appreciate your circumstances. Trying to help him increase his attention span has been challenging. We have tried to moderate his impulsivity through a stict diet and are always looking for ways that will encourage his motivation to learn and websites such as this that are interactive and stimulating are assisting.
Like you I have stumbled on this web site and find it a fantastic resource. You must have the patience of a saint to home school as I struggle to motivate one of my sons particularly when it comes to repetitive learning and quick recall for basic tasks such as muliplication, addition, etc. However this changed when his school recently signed up to a on-line learning website called Mathletics which enables him to solve mathematic problems and also compete on-line with other children. Now it's a case of trying to get him off the computer.
How effective have you found computer interactive learning for mathematics?
Pages: 1