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I think the tricky part is the word "statement". I believe anything that includes "...will..." is not really a statement for the very reason we can not evaluate it (true or falls)
What about the statement: "2*2 will be 26". Is it true or falls?
I have a better statement "1+1 is 2 and 1+1=10" (sure - binary). Each part as a separate sentence is true, so it must be true, yet ...
We can state the problem without telling, what the rear and the middle captive said, instead, we can simply ask for analysis which is:
If the bottom guy has a black hut he will know it from the two I dont know answers. If he has a white hut, he will learn about it from either the top captive (B W W) or the middle one (X B W).
Interestingly enough, the first answer other than I dont know will always be: I have a black hut
I was going the way:
ok in n x m I need to break (n-1) times horizontally, and each of n pieces (m-1) times, so I get:
n-1 + n(m-1) = nm-1. But your solution is most elegant
99 for himself, 0 for 4-th, 0 for 3rd, 1 for 2-nd and 0 for youngest - here is why
I agree to 3 pirates situation - if it comes to that, split 99 - 1- 0 and game is over, youngest gets 0, second youngest gets none - the 2 pirates situation will never happen.
So in situation 4 pirates the fourth splits 99 : 0 : 1 : 0 (both youngest will never get a better deal so they will vote yes (remember they are reasonable- death of fourth won't give them better deal.
The same apply to 5 pirates voting : 99 : 0 : 0 : 1 : 0 - the oldest will get votes of both youngest ones
- One More Solution: 328571 X3 985713
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