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What spice? I didn't know life had any spice.
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
Yes life Has Spice.!!
Where can I get some?
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
I meant some real spice, Sarah.
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
Can I recommend 160000 H.U. Cayenne?
In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.
That is a good idea, if I knew what it was. But I do know, somewhere...
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
old im sorry
Sorry for what, Sarah?
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
I had Give you the Wrong Word For Spice
That's okay, so did bobby.
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
ok you are so Nice.
Nope, you wanted spice, one of the hottest is Cayenne. I have some 160000 H.U. and it is strong.
In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.
Aww, a girl said I was nice. I feel so loved. Well, I guess. I already have Cayenne and other chillies. Now I feel like going to India, they have lots'a spices there.
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
cute and you are nice.
That's the only time I've heard that.... Thank you, Sarah. You are also nice.
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
You are welcome.
Ack wuts all this talk about chillis?
My granpa's new evil wife is from Sri Lanka and she gave me this chili and told me if I could chew for like 10 minutes, she'd stop harassing me over how I dress. She said it was a little spicy. And she said to keep it in my mouth, all the juices and everything and not to swallow till after the 10 minutes. Thing Darn-Near Killed Me!!!!!! It actually hurt my tongue. And not like spicy-burny hurt, LIKE ACTUAL PHYSICAL PAIN HURT!
Nothing, not milk (which I hate), sugar, water or ice could get rid of it! I had chewed it for almost 2 mins and the pain lasted like 20. I was so pissed off at her. Evil witch. Her and her peppers.
Of Moons, Birds and Monsters
Hi misheeru;
Her and her peppers. sad
She might be in possesion of some 1000000 H.U. cayenne pepper. I have personally never seen it but it is rumored to be extremely hot. If you dip your pinky in it and put it on your tongue you will be on the floor.
In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Always satisfy the Prime Directive of getting the right answer above all else.
LOL. Sorry, Mish. I take it she doesn't like you, either. I hear it's 200 x hotter than tabasco sauce. Or maybe that was a different type of capsicum... I've not tried cayenne either. Once when I was little we grew chili's and I ate one and had my tongue under a tap for 5 minutes. I doubt I will try it, hot things make my nose run.
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
This Topic Has become Funny
Yeah I have no clue what it was, it was dark dark red and kinda skinny and HELLA PAINFUL.
Of Moons, Birds and Monsters
yes, really. I've given myself peircings and those were like tickles compared to that darn chilli. Peircings in some places hurt more then others. And some dont hurt at all. Bottom line is, that pepper sucked.
Although its hard to compare them, they r 2 different kinds of pain.
Of Moons, Birds and Monsters