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#1 Help Me ! » trees.... » 2007-11-13 19:35:23

Replies: 0

1)a)how many nonisomorphic unrooted trees are there aith 4vertices?
b)how many noniomorphic rooted trees are there with 4vertices?(using iomorphism for directed graphs)

2)either draw a full m-ary tree with 76 leaves and height 3 where m is a positive integer or show that no such tree exists?

3)a full m-ary tree T has 81 leaves and height 4.
a)give the upper and lower bounds for m.
b)what is m if T is also balanced?

a complete m-ary tree is a full m-ary tree where every leaf is at the same level.

#2 Help Me ! » 2 » 2007-11-12 06:13:15

Replies: 0

hy i have 2more problems me with the solution........plz

1)If X and Y have a bivariate normal distribution and U=X+Y and V=X-Y find an expression for the correlation coefficient of U and V.

2)If X has an exponential distribution show that
              P(X>=t + T\X>=T) = P(X>=t)
this property of an exponential random variable parallels that of a geometric random variable given as [ P(X=x+n\X>n) = P(X=x)
thanks a bunch.......

#3 Help Me ! » needed......urgent » 2007-11-11 15:57:17

Replies: 1

hi im unable to work on the following problem...........its my homewrk due within 1.5days......please do give me a solution....thanks a bunch.......

3)If the random variable T is the time to failure of a commercial product and the values of its probability density and distribution function at time "t" are   f(t) and F(t), then its failure rate at time t is given by f(t) / 1-F(t)
Thus, the failure rate at time t is the probability density of failure at time t given that failure does not occur prior to time t.
a)show that if t is an exponential distribution, the failure rate is constant.
b)show that if T has a weibull distribution thae failure rate is given by  (alpha *beta)*t^beta-1.

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