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-sqr(x) = y
I'm getting D[0,infinity) and R(-infinity, 0]
y is a function of x
x = -y^2
A textbooks tells me the domain of x = -y^2 = (-infinity, 0] and the range is (-infinity, infinity)
But, its not clicking how they get this
I'm getting D[0,infinity) and R(-infinity, 0]
Very neat, thank you for the feedback. This is the first forum for math education i've been to.
Thanks bobbym, is this an active forum in terms of discusson or is the majority of the activity in the "how do you solve this" section?
I've wondered about this question for some time now
Hi everyone, this is my first post here. These Forums look awesome!! I've been on a Real Number kick lately, here is my latest invention
Pages: 1