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#1 Re: Help Me ! » Running Average totals » 2011-09-02 20:36:54

Many thanks for your help perfect.

I have now put this into an excel formula so all I have to do is add the scores and the percentages are calculated for me.

Once again many thanks

#2 Re: Help Me ! » Running Average totals » 2011-09-02 19:32:04

Yes they are football scores for and against. I understand that you add the for's together and then add the against but cannot seem to remember how to work out what the average is.

For example I know my totals are 33 for and 20 against. This is a total of 53 but what I need is the percentage of the 33 from the total of 53.

I am sure its a simple calculation but as you get older you rely on computers and forget your basic maths, I'm sure I used to be able to do this sort of calculation in my head but not anymore, so any help will be appreciated.


#3 Help Me ! » Running Average totals » 2011-09-02 19:03:11

Replies: 5

I need to work out the individual average of two sums, in percentage terms, then when the next figures arrive i need the individual average and also the total running average.

2 for 7 against. Whats the average percentage
7 for 3 against. I know this average is 70% and 30% but whats the running average when you add the for's together it equals 9 and the against equals 10 so what is the average in percentage terms.

My calculations then go on to
7 for 4 against
9 for 3 against
8 for 3 against

Can anybody help me with the formula for this.


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