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#1 Re: Help Me ! » Double 6 Start » 2011-09-10 09:32:41

Hi Bob

Is 66 a bad down if you are not holding the 03 or the 33 ?  Or if you are holding the 63,30 !  But strategy is not the issue I want to analyse the 66 down.

What I want to show is that should you go down with 66 and not hold these dominos 03,33 thereby giving your partner the oppotunity to hold them 2:1 how do the scores of all possibilities add up.  i.e. are scores fairly even.  This would prove that 66 down is not such a dumb move in certain circumstances.

The rules I play to are downs taken in turn
Any domino can start
4 players as partners

I started as per your diagram but it must run into hundreds if not thousands of possible first round of play

If you want to play I helped this guy with strategy for his software

#2 Help Me ! » Double 6 Start » 2011-09-10 00:47:47

Replies: 6


I have to confess to having failed to solve this problem that has puzzled me regarding dominoes.

I was playing a game with a double 6 set of dominoes called Fives and Threes with 3 friends

The essence of the game is that any ends that can be divided by 3 or/and 5 give points e.g. double six with a 63 attached adds to 15 so = 8 points as it is divided by both 5 and 3 but that information is for interest only at this stage, but what I would like to know is how to calculate the number of possible permutations of the first 4 dominoes can be played following the first player placing the double 6 as the starting domino. e.g one would be 66 then 65 then 53 then 33 how many others are there ?

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