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Pages: 1
Why is a mountain a fractal?
Can you explain to me how to measure the root of a plant using fractal geometry.
What is a non-integer dimension.
And just to make sure a fractal is an image that has the same shape as the base when zoomed. I got that from library.thinkquest when I googled koch snowflake.
Can you explain to me how a cloud, pineapple and fern resemble fractals and how a coastline is a fractal.
Thank you
Doess anything on earth resemble a ideal fractal which infinitely repeats itself.
Thanks a lot for your explanation and by the way can fractals be 2 or 3 dimensional or can it be only
be between 1 and 2.
Bob, hi there....interesting.....will try to follow it, but it is sure confusing. I plan to decorates the back drop of my stand with clouds, Koch snowflakes etc.
Oh yeah......I some bit of info. If you think of something, pls. Let me know.
@Bobby, o....ok....thanxx......Any further inputs for my project, I was thinking of making a model and some charts explaining mandelborts in simplified terms.
Thanks a tons for the explanation.
I was actually looking for a detailed one although your explanation helped a lot.
Once again thanks.
I am a Gr. 9 student who is doing a project on fractals. I tried looking for explanations on the web but I am unable to understand them. I am very impressed by the discussions going on this forum and hope to receive a simple explanation on fractals and the equations related to it.
Thank you.
Pages: 1