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#1 Help Me ! » Need help in Calculating Power from Power Spectral Density ? » 2013-11-04 06:02:47

Replies: 1

Hi All

While calculating power from power spectral density , we generally integrate it over the entire range (infinity) of frequencies as the equation suggests. But in some calculations we take only the positive half of frequencies to calculate power even though the PSD occupies entire positive and negative range of frequencies (eg. two sided noise spectrum).

Can you please explain when when should we consider only + frequencies and when should we consider both + and - frequencies ?? Any special cases in such considerations ??

Thanks in advance

#3 Re: Help Me ! » Question on Gaussian Probability Density funtion ..!! » 2013-10-06 21:50:43

oh.. is it ? Actually that was a question in a text I'm following !!  I'm new to this subject ... can you provide any links so that I can get some more understanding on random variable / process  concepts ?


#4 Re: Help Me ! » Question on Gaussian Probability Density funtion ..!! » 2013-10-06 21:41:04

hi anonimnystefy

Nah.. actually i'm looking for the probablity at a specific value of X. Can you explain why it will be Zero ? It would be really helpful


#5 Help Me ! » Question on Gaussian Probability Density funtion ..!! » 2013-10-06 20:45:54

Replies: 8

Hi All

If the mean of a Gaussian random variable is '4' and variance is '3'. Then what is the probability P(X=4) = ?
Anybody aware of this , please help..!!

Thanks in Advance

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