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in online game, two team fight against each other
team a strength 73% ,which corespond to 100% (for conveniece, here note 73)
team b strenth 46
then odds ratio =73/(100-73)/ (46/(100-46)=73/27/(45/55)
no problem here
suppose team;s strength divided into two part attck and defense
team a attack=44 defense=6
team b attack=64 defense=33
where 100 correspoinds to the best rank
in odds ratio formula, winthin a group , p, 100-p
since attack+defense is not equal to 100, which puzzled me.
I use several method,
for conveniece
team a attack note m
team a defense n
team b attck o
team b defense p
method 1
strenth=(attack +defense)/2 algebra average value
then use the fumula of odds ratio
odds ratio=((m+n)/2)(100-(m+n)/2)/ ( ((o+p)/2)/(100-((o+p)/2)))
method 2
strength=sqrt((attack +defense) geometry average value
methd 3
regard defense is unlike probilities,juse use odds ratio formula directly
odds ratio=m/p /(o/n)
method 4
odds ratio= m/(100-m)/(p/(100-p))/ (o/(100-o)/(n/(100-n)))
method XX
which is right? or they were all wrong ? any solution pls give me help?
how to calculate odds ratio?
Tks for your reply. I input a wrong number that Number in 1st group: a=26
not 25 if 25 ,2 .777 is right.
like formula Odds ratio = (a/c) / (b/d) ,what is the formula for probability?
I input a,b,c,d use odds ratio calculator
Cases with positive outcome
Number in 1st group: a=25
Number in 2nd group: b=15
Cases with negative outcome
Number in 1st group: c=18
Number in 2nd outcome: d=30
and calculate
Odds ratio 2.8889
95 % CI 1.2184 to 6.8497
z statistic 2.408
P = 0.0160
I know odds ratio is Odds ratio = (a/c) / (b/d)
my question is
what z statistic and p mean ?
Pages: 1