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Pages: 1
thnks buddy
method will help ..
some one please solve it .. whatever way it takes .
Two people steal some money from the bank and they divide it among themselves and they find there is 1$ left out .
Then they call another friend and they divide among themselves and they again find out that 2$ are left out ... and again they call another friend and again 3$ are left out and so on .. till they find an 11th person ... after which the money equally divided .
so .. when 2 people divide the remainder = 1
3 people =2
4 people =3
5 people =4
6 people =5
7 people =6
8 people =7
9 people =8
10 people =9
and when the 11th peson comes it divided equally ... so you tell me how much money did the thieves took from the bank ??
Pages: 1