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#1 Re: Help Me ! » Question » 2014-03-20 14:49:03

eigenguy wrote:

Duplicate colors allowed, but not adjacent:

The middle band can have 1 of 5 colors. The top band can be any color except the one chosen for the middle, so 4 colors. The bottom band can have any color except the one chosen for the middle, so 4 colors again. That makes 5 * 4 * 4 combinations.

The calculation for no two colors the same is almost identical, but then the bottom band can't have the same color as either the middle or the top band, so 5 *4 * 3.

Thanks eigenguy..that make sense for me now.

#2 Re: Help Me ! » Question » 2014-03-20 14:29:30

ShivamS wrote:

Is the same colour allowed in adjacent bands? If so, then it's 125. If not, then it's 5*4*4. If no colour can be repeated at all, then it's 5*4*3.


Can you tell me more how the 5*4*4 and 5*4*3 play out ?

#3 Re: Help Me ! » Question » 2014-03-20 14:26:55

ShivamS wrote:

Is the same colour allowed in adjacent bands? If so, then it's 125. If not, then it's 5*4*4. If no colour can be repeated at all, then it's 5*4*3.

The question says

"The flag must have 3 bands of colour, but the colours can be in any order. How many different flags can the class design ?"...this is what I'm confused about the question do we assume that we can treat each combination of 3 colours as 1 flag or we are only allowed to user 1 combination of flag ?

#4 Help Me ! » Question » 2014-03-20 14:16:00

Replies: 5

Hi all,


Got the following question for my son's homework and I think the way to solve this is as follows:

5 diff colour
3 available spots
any combination of 3 colours is considered as 1 flag

so 5x5x5 = 125

am I correct ?


#5 Re: Help Me ! » Confusing question » 2014-03-16 02:34:17

bobbym wrote:

He will need to understand how to solve a linear equation so he will need some Algebra. Then he will need to know how to solve a set of 2 simultaneous equation.

How old is your son and is he old enough to become a member? Send him in here and here he will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master that instructed me.

He is 10yrs old. I will Google and brush up about linear equation and algebra so I can help him out. Do you know of any website that post this kind of questions that I can use to give him more questions for practise ?


#6 Re: Help Me ! » Confusing question » 2014-03-16 02:20:55

Hi bobbym,

Thank you so much for the elaborate explanation, this will make it easier for me to explain to my son. If I want to teach my son on solving this kind of question what kind of math topic should I read on so I can help him in solving this kind of questions down the track ?


bobbym wrote:


c is a fully extended cart. There is 1 of them for each

s is a short cart because it is inside another cart.

So c is 110 cm.

#7 Re: Help Me ! » Confusing question » 2014-03-16 01:46:05

Hi bobbym,

Can you let me know how you were able to get 110cm ?


bobbym wrote:


I am getting that 110 cm.

#9 Help Me ! » Confusing question » 2014-03-16 01:32:43

Replies: 10


I'm helping my 10yr old son to solve the attached question but I'm confused on how to solve the problem as there are 2 criteria it mentioned in the question - "for 10 carts the total..." and "for 20 carts the total....". Appreciate if anybody can guide me on how to solve this problem.


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