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#1 Re: Help Me ! » Why is there an associative law? » 2014-06-23 12:29:38

Hi anonimnystefy,

Nothing at all. Your answer to PatternMan's question was perfect.

The subject put me in mind of that nesting formula, and so I took the opportunity to try Latex out (I've just read the crash course in the index). Sorry for any confusion smile

(It's occurred to me that my 2nd sentence was ambiguous. I didn't mean that the formula itself illustrates the associative law; I meant that it counts the ways of 'bracketing' up numbers that people use when they want to illustrate the associative law. I can see how that was misleading - oops!)

#2 Re: Help Me ! » Why is there an associative law? » 2014-06-23 10:37:26

Hello again anonimnystefy, and hello PatternMan.

I've just started to learn Latex so perhaps I could practise it by adding here the formula for the number of ways that n numbers can be combined to illustrate the Associative Law:

(The brackets denote a binomial coefficient).

A couple of examples:

With n=3 numbers (1,2,3) there are 2 ways to associate them:

1. (1 + 2) + 3
2.  1 + (2 + 3)

With n=4 numbers (1,2,3,4) there are 5 ways to associate them:

1. 1 x (2 x (3 x 4))
2. 1 x ((2 x 3) x 4)
3. (1 x 2) x (3 x 4)
4. ((1 x 2) x 3) x 4
5. (1 x (2 x 3)) x 4

#3 Re: Help Me ! » triangles » 2014-06-21 12:04:12

Hi anonimnystefy,

Thanks! Glad to be here; this looks like a nice place. smile

#4 Re: Help Me ! » triangles » 2014-06-20 00:59:02

The above proof works for all triangles ABC, but it needs a small clarification when angle ACB > 120 degrees.

When angle ACB = 120 degrees, angles ACX and YCB become 180 degrees each, and the triangles ACX and YCB become trivial - they "collapse" into straight line segments of equal length. The proof still holds, and AX = YB (they are the line segments).

When angle ACB > 120 degrees, triangles ACX and YCB both now lie entirely outside  triangle ABC.
It is still true that angle ACX = angle YCB = (angle ACB + 60) but now we are talking about the EXTERNAL angles ACX and YCB (measuring them outside their triangles, the "long way round").

Therefore angle ACX = angle YCB (whether measured internally or externally) and the proof holds as before, with triangles ACX and YCB congruent.

Apologies for the lack of a diagram; I've only just joined and haven't learnt how to add diagrams yet. It should be easy to follow the above if you sketch it out.

#5 Re: Help Me ! » triangles » 2014-06-19 12:30:11

You can prove this by congruent triangles.

Notice that in triangles ACX and YCB, angle ACX = angle YCB, because each of those angles is formed by two adjacent angles: one being angle ACB and the other an angle from an equilateral triangle (60 degrees).

i.e. angle ACX = angle YCB = (angle ACB + 60).

Next, see that AC = YC (two sides of an equilateral triangle), and CX = CB for the same reason.

Therefore triangles ACX and YCB are congruent triangles, because they each have two sides which are respectively the same length, subtending the same angle.

It follows that AX = BY since they are corresponding sides.

You can apply the same type of argument to show that AX = CZ.

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