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Perhaps a Quick Sort or Counting Sort approach is the ticket here. Instead of comparing whether the value is greater or less than the current value, instead compare whether it is outside of the element range when added to the current value. If so, no longer add values less / greater in regards to their position within the array which should already be sorted.
Any thoughts?
Well, we can start with 1000 or 10,000 but that isn't really the issue / question. I think that the real question is wherein lay the optimization? The basic algorithm is not that efficient. If by formulae, one can eliminate large chunks of data, that would greatly speed the process.
They could be of any size from this small list up to say, 10,000 or a million.
Correct. a+b, a+c, a+d, and so on, and then b+c, b+d, and so on. From the results, peel away, yet again, any dupes.
What I'm wondering is whether there may be an algorithm which can unravel a pattern? For example, there is the permutation for the number of combinations which is even found in the COMBIN Excel formula. For example, COMBIN(7,2) = 21 wherein out of 7 different numbers there are 21 combinations of 2.
What I am wondering is if there is a way to determine the number of unique results. That is what I am after. Of course, the mathematical addition vs. string concatenation is wherein lay the deviation from the usual approach.
When one looks at the column of numbers, we immediately know that anything positive added to 10,000 will be outside of the needed results. Similarly with anything negative added to -10,000. We can also look at other numbers within close proximity to those values would not be members of the requested subset depending upon what is added to them. Perhaps a way to avoid looping through all of the numbers is to put them into a hash table wherein the IDs are their values and the loop is adjusted such that only values which would not push the resultant outside of the boundaries would be accepted?
There are errors in your matrix. For example, what numbers, when added, equal 5 or 2?
You did not remove the duplicate values from the original set. -10,001 and 1. If you sort and remove those dupes prior to calculation, you will get 12. The VBA code automatically removes the dupes when it creates the collection.
If you run the VBA code against that set of numbers, you will get 12. If you run the .Net, I believe that you will get 16 but, as mentioned, the .Net code is not working as expected.
I have some performance / efficiency related questions for you. It is related to your blog post here:
Here is the scenario:
An input file contains integers which can be positive and negative and may contain duplicate values. Each line has one record / integer. We want to compute the number of x values within the range -10000 ≤ x ≤ 10000 such that there are distinct numbers a, b where a + b = x.
For example, consider the following data:
I have some VBA code which successfully determines the number of unique values in the calculated range after pasting the values into an Excel spreadsheet:
Sub Adder()
Dim rngCell As Excel.Range
Dim rngRange As Excel.Range
Dim colNumbers As Collection
Dim colNumbersUnique As Collection
Dim lngRows As Long
Dim lngRowsInner As Long
Dim lngAdd As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set rngRange = Selection
Set colNumbersUnique = New Collection
Set colNumbers = New Collection
For lngRows = 1 To rngRange.Rows.Count
colNumbersUnique.Add rngRange.Cells(lngRows, 1).Value, CStr(rngRange.Cells(lngRows, 1).Value)
Next lngRows
For lngRows = 1 To colNumbersUnique.Count - 1
For lngRowsInner = lngRows + 1 To colNumbersUnique.Count
lngAdd = colNumbersUnique.Item(lngRows) + colNumbersUnique.Item(lngRowsInner)
If lngAdd >= -10000 And lngAdd <= 10000 Then
colNumbers.Add lngAdd, CStr(lngAdd)
End If
Next lngRowsInner
Next lngRows
Debug.Print colNumbers.Count
Select Case Err.Number
Case 457 ' Runtime Error 457: This key is already associated with an element of this collection
'Ignore this error as it is expected when retrieving unique values via a collection
Resume Next
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End Select
End Sub
The answer for the range provided would be 12 unique values subsequent to calculation performed by the nested the loops. However, the above is not so efficient when tested against a large set of values.
Consequently, I have the following questions:
There are algorithms and even Excel formulas to determine the number of possible combinations (i.e. COMBIN in Excel, for example). However, what about unique values in a series subsequent to some form of combination?
The above VBA sample applies the calculation manually over the course of looping. I would think that there may be some form of algorithm that I'm just not quite seeing. Code answers may be better served in .Net such as C#, etc. For example, I tried something like this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
string filePath;
filePath = "[Insert file name here or use FileOpen dialog]";
if (filePath.Length > 0)
// Grab all of the numbers at once
string[] records = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
// Remove all of the duplicates at once
records = records.Distinct().ToArray();
// Convert the entire array to integers
int[] intRecords = Array.ConvertAll<string, int>(records, Convert.ToInt32);
// Calculate the new list
var cartesianList = intRecords.SelectMany(a => intRecords.Select(b => a + b));
//var countResults = cartesianList.TakeWhile(items => items <= -10000 && items >= 10000);
cartesianList = cartesianList.Distinct();
// Select the values which are between -10,000 and 10,000
var countResults = from vals in cartesianList
where vals <= 10000 &&
vals >= -10000
select vals;
countResults = countResults.Distinct();
However, I am not getting the correct result count. I'm getting a number greater than expected. Further, the TakeWhile statement, which is commented out, is not returning anything.
Your thoughts?
-- Todd
Pages: 1