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#1 Re: Help Me ! » the Combinations and permutations calculator » 2014-08-13 21:56:48

Yeah that is fantastic cheers for all ya help

#2 Re: Help Me ! » the Combinations and permutations calculator » 2014-08-13 21:51:57

Ok so I should search for progressive dinners

#3 Re: Help Me ! » the Combinations and permutations calculator » 2014-08-13 21:29:17

No I ment when I did it sorry.
where did you get your combinations from please.

#4 Re: Help Me ! » the Combinations and permutations calculator » 2014-08-13 21:20:46

But it just listed every combination
and so on

#5 Re: Help Me ! » the Combinations and permutations calculator » 2014-08-13 21:04:47

Yeah how did you do it just go through them all

#7 Re: Help Me ! » the Combinations and permutations calculator » 2014-08-13 04:03:44

Basically we have a number of number of competitors (c) they have a race with any combination of the other competitors up to six at a time and each week they have a race a different set of people so what I was wondering is there a way using maths or anything of easily picking the racers so they race each other once in the compleat tornament
so say you have racers a-i
week one
race 1 a,b,c
race 2 d,e,f
race 3 g,h,i
week two
race 1 a,e,i
race 2 b,f,g
race 3 c,d,h
and so on
but unlike with small combinations like this it is really difficult when you have a large number to choose from to get each racer to have a race each week who hasn't raced a person before.

#8 Re: Help Me ! » the Combinations and permutations calculator » 2014-08-13 03:37:32

hey bobbym is this something you would be able to help with or pint me in the correct direction please
cheers Mohunkey

#9 Re: Help Me ! » the Combinations and permutations calculator » 2014-08-12 21:27:03

Yeah ital be you get so many points for a win and less for each place after but when ever I've tried to workit out we end up with racers who have raced twice.

#10 Re: Help Me ! » the Combinations and permutations calculator » 2014-08-12 21:05:41

Lets say six atm just want to know how to work it so if we get more people enter we can add them easily

#11 Re: Help Me ! » the Combinations and permutations calculator » 2014-08-12 17:54:03

hey bobbym
yeah the problem is me and a mate are thinking about starting a race seriers and we are going to have like 20 competitors ruffly and only about 5,6 that can run at a time but over the weeks we want each competitor to run every other competitor once. yeah I also know that some races will have less racers in than others but that doesn't matter
could you please help cheers


#12 Help Me ! » the Combinations and permutations calculator » 2014-08-12 08:58:34

Replies: 22

Good evening people,
I'm looking at the calculator to help me solve a problem me and a friend have been having it works with what I need it gives me all of the possible combinations but I am looking for all of the unique combinations is there a way of filtering all the results just to get those please.

cheers for any help

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