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Pages: 1
Pls explain
Right... pls explain it...
1) 3AB^2
2) 5AB^2
3) 7AB^2
4) 8AB^2
HERE ^ refers to square sign
And has uption like 1.3AB^2 2.5AB^2 3.7AB^2 4.8AB^2 Now try with these pls
In an equilateral triangle ABC,D is a point on the side BC such that BD =1/3BC then 9AD^2 =?
Thnx buddy
I am known to other but not this one:
Thnx but i didn't undestand the step 2(how it came from step 1) of ur prove i mean to say that did u omit any step...
Well got some trigonometric task and need help in solving them....
If theta lies in Q3 then then cos theta/2 + sin theta/2 is +ve.. How to prove?
(sorry i am using old nokia 2700 so i can't use theta sign)
Pages: 1