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#1 Re: Help Me ! » Linear algebra Notation explained » 2017-01-21 20:46:01

Look at what I found!

Real handy when you are study linear algebra.

Domain, range and codomain explained in the easy to understand language of

#2 Re: Help Me ! » Linear algebra Notation explained » 2017-01-12 20:13:18

Nvm! I helped myself smile Oh my I see that the formulas did not went well. Sorry!

Btw: this website is a great help!

#3 Help Me ! » Linear algebra Notation explained » 2017-01-12 09:20:40

Replies: 3

What does it mean? I don't know how to think of it.

Also what does this exactly mean in combination with the T?

Final question is:

what does that mean? I don't know if I should give more context. I am trying to learn algebra but I cannot seem to understand the above 3.

Thanks in advance!

#4 Re: Help Me ! » Linear Algebra » 2016-12-25 07:52:30

Hello, thanks for the welcome.

Yes my question is:

You have linear equations, vector equations and matrix equations. The vector equations can be combined to linear combinations and that can be transformed into something else. However I don't understand why you can write linear equations as a matrix, vector also. Why are so many names and definitions used to describe basically the same thing? I am not able to discern between the importance of them all.

It is like I am learning a lot of new definitions that are all in the same course (linear algebra) but I do not see the point of the new meanings, cause basically I can do the assignments with just vector equations. 

So why all the definitions if we can make due with just vector equations?

#5 Help Me ! » Linear Algebra » 2016-12-25 02:45:08

Replies: 3

Hello everyone,

My question is about linear algebra. I am curious to know why or how linear equations, matrix equations and vector equations are connected. You can write them all three in their own unique form and solve for them, but why three of them what is the point? What is behind it?

I figured out myself that a linear combination a sum of the vector equations is. Yet I am still struggling to understand the different apporaches in linear algebra. Also I know that a linear transformation is from the basis i- and j-hat multiplied by a matrix. So a matrix 2x2 means that i-hat is the first column and j-hat is the second column.

Thank you in advance.

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