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#1 Re: Exercises » Two Equations Having One Solution » 2024-07-23 09:54:29

For instance, When I read this exercise many decades ago, the question was:

Prove that the two equations have one solution if the following two conditions are satisfied:

B*D = E*A
A*E^2 - D*B^2 = 4*A*D*(F-C)

As you know, this is simply a special case.
Your answer is right always. I mean, your condition is satisfied in this case too.

#2 Re: Exercises » Two Equations Having One Solution » 2024-07-23 04:39:52

Bob wrote:

?? It's the condition, so what more are you expecting?  Did you want the single solution too? It wasn't asked for was it?


Sorry for not being clearer.
I meant there are more conditions, if satisfied; the two equations will have one solution too.

#3 Re: Exercises » Two Equations Having One Solution » 2024-07-22 23:10:27

Bob wrote:


Your answer is right, but this is half the journey only.

#4 Exercises » Two Equations Having One Solution » 2024-07-22 18:30:12

Replies: 5


Find the condition or conditions that the constants A, B, C, D, E, F need to satisfy so that the following two equations have one solution only:
y = A*x^2 + B*x + C
y = D*x^2 + E*x + F

Good luck,

#5 Re: Help Me ! » Possible 'new knowledge' » 2024-07-18 21:40:40

I am 75 and math is my favorite since I was teen.
Although I still enjoy working with numbers and equations in designing various products in electronics, I can no more be interested in fields not related to my work.
In these hard days, I am a poor boss who tries his best to gain his daily bread and of his few assistants despite the lack of electricity and fuel.

When I was younger and living in the past golden years, having the chance to study and apply, in some ways, your interesting work would have been a great gift to me.

#6 Re: Help Me ! » Possible 'new knowledge' » 2024-07-17 22:38:39

woodturner550 wrote:

Think of how many books are incorrect about digital computers making “real random numbers” now. How long before this is corrected in schools and colleges?

I am afraid that many books are also incorrect about many other things (while many other books are correct).
We like it or not, this was always the case, for one reason or another. And it will be so till the end of time.

Therefore, the best thing that one can do is to present, as possible, what he has as 'new knowledge' without expecting any positive reaction... with the hope that his 'new knowledge' doesn't oppose, in any way, the interests of some powerful rich groups which are based on 'old knowledge'.

#8 Re: Help Me ! » Sharing Ratio » 2024-07-10 10:02:38

I guess you both know now that, to let this exercise have a solution, the sum 95 could be multiplied by 10 for example (and the missing 0 was simply a mistyping).

#9 Re: Help Me ! » Sharing Ratio » 2024-07-09 19:38:25

For instance, let us recall that the solution of a problem could be the null set, that is it doesn't have one.

When I was at school (then universities) and I couldn't find a solution of a problem, I went on proving that no one else can find it too smile by proving it cannot exist in the first place (as you did).

#10 Re: Help Me ! » Linear Equation Real Life Example » 2024-07-07 05:47:58

paulb203 wrote:

With x=0.12 why does m, the gradient, =infinity? I thought it would equal zero as there is zero slope?

Good question. Here are two ways, I think of, to answer it:

x=0.12 could also be written as 0*y = 1*x - 0.12
And let us assume that the value '0' here is actually very close to 0 [not exactly 0], like 1/1,000,000,000,000 for example.
We get:
y*1/1,000,000,000,000 = 1*x - 0.12
y = 1*x*1,000,000,000,000 - 0.12*1,000,000,000,000
As we see, we have now m=1,000,000,000,000 and c=-120,000,000,000
In other words, we can simplify this process by saying that m=infinity and c=-infinity [while the ratio of their infinities is m/c=-1/0.12]

As you know, 'm' is the slope of the line, which is defined by the linear equation. Therefore, m = dy/dx.
Since the line is vertical on the x-axis (x=0.12 for any value of y), dx is zero for any value of dy.
m = dy/dx = dy/0 = infinity [as you know, a number divided by zero is equivalent to a very big number, infinity]
Also, 'c' is where the line intercepts the y-axis. Since both, the y-axis and the equation's line, are on the same plane and vertical on the same straight (x-axis), they are parallel. Therefore, they intersect at infinity. Again,'c' here is equal to infinity smile


#11 Re: Help Me ! » Linear Equation Real Life Example » 2024-07-06 08:12:38

paulb203 wrote:


Those would produce points on the graph, as opposed to lines, yeah? If so, why are they classed as linear equations, if they're just points?

For instance,
x=0.12 produces a vertical line if drawn on the conventional y_x plane. [but this is a special case, |m|=infinity and |c|=infinity]
y=6 also produces a horizontal line on y_x plane. [here, m=0 and c=6]

#12 Re: Help Me ! » Possible 'new knowledge' » 2024-07-04 19:25:47

Well, this is what I discovered too but I thought it was just me.
In brief, Wikipedia is for 'old knowledge' only. And its rules are made so that it can, when necessary, be biased legitimately about 'any topic', very clever.

#13 Re: Help Me ! » Why πr^2? » 2024-07-04 19:12:40

You did well. It is always good to see something from different angles.

For instance, since I have no more a person to tell me if my solution of a problem is wrong or right, I used to find out different ways (two in the least) to solve it.

#14 Re: Help Me ! » Linear Equation Real Life Example » 2024-07-02 10:59:34

I guess we all know that 20x+25y=1000 is equivalent to:
y = -20x/25 + 1000/25
y = -4x/5 + 40 [m=-4/5 and c=40]

But this equation is of a special case. Its 'y' and 'x' have to be positive integers or zero only. That is not all points of the straight line which this linear equation represents are valid as a solution.

Any idea?

#16 Re: Help Me ! » Area of plane shapes » 2024-07-02 01:10:54

Irene wrote:

But am still learning.

Even at age 75, I am still learning. I am also making many mistakes before I solve the problems I am interested in.
I simply don't give up whenever I face a well-defined math problem (usually related to my designs).

On the other hand, having no interest in doing something has no remedy at all, even in the case of the most intelligent humans.

But I am afraid that the crucial starting point is self-trust. In other words, the unlimited power of the human's brain is limited by its owner only and to how far he believes it can help him. Unlimited/Limited trust results unlimited/limited intelligence (this is the practical meaning of the greatest advice said 2000 years ago).


#17 Re: Help Me ! » Possible 'new knowledge' » 2024-07-01 19:36:28

For instance, in year 1980, I presented a novel simple demodulator (claimed non-existent at the universities, even in these days) to the local authorities so that they can have real secure communications (being non-existent to the engineers in the developed countries).
I got many negative reactions. The worst one was in a meeting at a room in the military headquarters. I was with three persons: a (so-called) professor in electronics, his assistant and a high officer (as a supervisor). This professor insisted on saying one thing while avoiding talking about anything else: "You cannot know something not known in the West". When I knew he is a professor in electronics, I thought he was able to discuss with me, scientifically, many things about the presented project. Instead, he kept repeating that I am a dreamer while refusing to do any further step to verify if my work is real or not. After about 20 minutes, I recalled what happened to Galileo because I had the impression that I will end up be in prison if I don't play the ignorant and please that professor. So, thanks to Galileo, I was able to return home sane and safe smile
By the way, at the National Research Center (at the capital), I was told clearly that a local engineer has no right to work on any novel project.
Also, a high security officer was sincere with me (in private) that having secure RF communications whose sets are not imported from abroad is out of question (in other words, their so-called secure communications have to be monitored by certain foreigners).
As I mentioned earlier, I simply took advantage of my unknown demodulator when I needed to have secure private RF links for many years in the 80's.

'New knowledge' has to wait till the World's Masters know (usually by their close servants) how to let it serve well their own interests and be under their full direct control too. This took about 2 centuries in case of Galileo sad


#18 Re: Help Me ! » Area of plane shapes » 2024-07-01 18:17:49

Irene wrote:

Thanks again Bob. According to my workings, i got 88m. This is my workings: outside=8m, inside=6m =(8m+6m)(8m-6m) = 22/7×14m×2m=44×2=88m

Although you used the diameters instead of radiuses, I noticed you used the identity:
a^2 - b^2 = (a+b)*(a-b)
This is a clever step that usually helps to simplify the calculation.
I think you will be very good in math.


#19 Re: Help Me ! » Any Advice,Friends? » 2024-06-18 20:40:59

Welcome Liu,

I guess you heard already that every big project starts always with a first small step. I hope you will be able to find out soon what your first small step could be.

From my own experience, when someone really needs to achieve something, he always ends up doing it even after zillions of failures.


#20 Re: Help Me ! » Possible 'new knowledge' » 2024-06-11 10:56:16

From my rather long experience, I ended up realizing that 'new knowledge' could be welcomed (assuming it is understood by some people) if it makes direct money only (or the like).

Anyway, speaking practically, 'new knowledge' in any field has to be useful to the one who needed it in the first place. For example, about forty years ago, I needed to connect my house and workplace (3 km distance) via RF voice inks. For about 5 years, I achieved this connection/communication by using a novel technique so that my RF links (on MW band then on FM band) couldn't be noticed by the radio listeners or authorities. Even in these days, this technique is supposed non-existent, at all universities around the world.

#21 Re: Help Me ! » Possible 'new knowledge' » 2024-06-09 23:35:54

Very interesting. So far, so I might be wrong, I see just one application which can benefit from this study.

#22 Re: Help Me ! » Practical applications of abstract algebra » 2024-06-05 06:25:46

I am 75. I was fortunate that, since I was teen, I have enjoyed the most every time I had difficult math problems to be solved (numerical and logical). For example, while the boys and girls played together around the swimming pool, I enjoyed solving new math problems instead smile

Naturally, this helped me be an independent professional designer in electronics (hardware and software), right after finishing my high studies. Since then, I design and produce various electronic controllers which are needed by the local consumers in every period of time.
This is how I was able to gain my daily bread (and of my few assistants) while working independently.
(Please note that working independently may not be possible for engineers living in some other countries).


#23 Re: Help Me ! » Truncation » 2024-06-01 10:16:29

paulb203 wrote:

As I understand it, to truncate means to chop off all the numbers after a certain decimal place, but without rounding.

I agree with you.
I usually hear "find the integer' instead of 'truncate'.
I mean, the English math's verb 'truncate' is somehow new to me. Thanks to you, I know now its meaning.

#24 Re: Help Me ! » Truncation » 2024-05-31 06:00:00

This is how I understand truncation:
6.20 to 6.2499999 gives 6.2
6.25 to 6.2999999 gives 6.3

Therefore, my answer is:
6.2 ≤ x < 6.25

For instance, the answer [ 6.2 ≤ x < 6.3 ] refers to int(x).


#25 Re: Help Me ! » Probability of Rapture Event » 2024-05-30 00:00:12

While I respect all other’s interesting answers, here is mine:

The probability for Jesus to return back to the planet earth is zero.
Speaking logically (since we are in a math forum), there is no reason, at all, for Jesus to return back.

But this 'logical view' doesn’t prevent zillions of world’s men who like to see in Him an 'earthly' ultimate King (by the way, this earthly view is very clear on the Gospel during His Crucifixion), to believe that He will come back to rule, with them, the tiny planet Earth (and to live, therefore, the death of Earth as well!).

Is it hard to get what I say? sad

Let us recall that, on the Gospel, even the well-educated ruler, Nicodemus, who was very serious and came to Jesus to learn from Him, couldn’t understand His 'spiritual' message. Why? Well, I am afraid I have to leave it as an exercise for some of you to solve smile

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