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#1 Re: Help Me ! » How to prove that infinity minus infinity equals infinity? » 2021-11-11 13:52:56

haha okay thanks bob. What is your venmo or bitcoin address. I'll pay you to keep answering my questions smile

It seems like you are saying that if you can only take the balls in order, then there is no way to take infinity and still have some left over. Is that right?

In the example where you set 100 aside, it remains the case that these 100 were taken from the pile, so there are no left that were not taken. If you split the balls into two packs and just take one, the balls were not taken in order.

How does one take infinity from the pile *in order*, and end up with some left that have not been taken? Or, is it the case that taking infinity in order makes it impossible to end up with any left that have not been taken?

#2 Re: Help Me ! » How to prove that infinity minus infinity equals infinity? » 2021-11-10 15:29:33

So, if every ball can be paired once to a natural number (the counting numbers), then the set of infinite balls is countable. Right? But I'm still wondering if there is a way to take away an infinite number of balls from the pile (in order!) such that there are still some balls left over. The closest I think is the idea of arranging the balls into even and odd numbered balls, and taking away an infinite number of balls such that all of the odd ones are taken, without taking all of the even ones. If this is possible, then it seems we can conclude at least that ∞-∞=1, since after the odd row of balls is taken, there is still necessarily one even numbered ball left that has not been taken. However, I still wonder how it would be possible to take all of the odd numbered balls without taking all of the odd numbered ones as well, since there is always going to be another even numbered ball which follows the odd numbered ball.

[I am moderately familiar with cantor's arguments. I'm trying to understand the following: "consider there exist an infinite number of members in a series. If an infinite number of members of the series have occurred, then zero members are left which have not occurred." I suspect, since infinity is so strange, that there is a coherent argument that says, "If an infinite number of members of the series have occurred, then there are still some members left which have not occurred."

I'm just not quite sure what that argument should look like.

#3 Re: Help Me ! » How to prove that infinity minus infinity equals infinity? » 2021-11-09 05:13:19

Okay, say the balls are numbered, and they have to be taken in order. If we arrange the balls into two rows, one even numbered balls and the other odd numbered balls, we apparently have two rows that are both infinite in number. Now, is it possible to take all of the odd number balls without also taking all of the even number balls? That is, since we have to take the balls in order, every time we take a ball from the odd number row, we next have to take a ball from the even number row. So once we have taken all of the balls from the odd number row, it seems there is necessarily only one ball left in the even number row. Is this correct? Or is there still an infinite number of even balls left after we have taken all of the odd number balls?

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