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#2 Re: Help Me ! » Continuity of cot(x) » 2009-02-24 00:57:03

I should say that cot π/2 = 1/tan(π/2) = 1/((sin π/2)/(cos π/2)) = (cos π/2)/(sin π/2) = 0 , which makes argument 1 more valid.

#3 Re: Help Me ! » Continuity of cot(x) » 2009-02-23 23:25:13

The graph of tangent function approaches infinity at π/2 or 90 deg. Since the length and direction of cotangent graph are determined by its intersection with the tangent graph at a certain point, the cotangent graph starts with very large values for very small positive angles and decreases to 0 at 90 deg then approaches negative ∞ as it approaches 180 deg. Therefore, cotangent is asymptotic only at 180 deg. and its multiples.

#4 Help Me ! » proving approximation and series » 2009-02-23 09:29:36

Replies: 4

Hi. I came across your site while surfing the net. I think this is great... but I posted my first problem in the wrong place maybe due to excitement. Sorry sad . To start again, I'm really confused how to begin proving sequences. Can you give me a technique, for example, how to prove that if an-->A and bn-->B, then an/bn --> A/B where bn and B is not 0?

#5 Re: Help Me ! » limits » 2009-02-22 21:12:36

Hi. I'm really confused how to start proving sequences. Can you give me a technique, for example, how to prove that if an approaches A and bn approaches B, then an/bn approaches A/B where bn and B is not 0.

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