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I have to do this question as a part of my homework but I have confuse. I m not sure about the first part of this question, and i m really confuse for part iii. I have attach the spreadsheet with the probability and the work that I have done. Any advice can help
Set up the simulator so that there are two routes, with a SPAD probability of 0.5 on each route. Route 1 has a random start - initially with a start probability of 1. On route 2 the signal position has been moved back to 22 so that a SPAD can only result in a collision if there is leaf mulch and the probability of leaf mulch is set to 0.5. (For this simulation, we are assuming that visibility is good).
(i) Use a tree diagram to calculate the number of collisions that would be expected in 16 train rides if train 1 always started on time (ie with "start probability" set to 1).
(ii) Set the start probability to 1 and run the simulator 5 times
After each run you should have a column of 10 numbers, each representing the number of collisions in 16 train rides. Average these and record the result. After 5 runs of the simulator you will thus have 5 averages. Perform a suitable statistical test to determine whether these are in agreement with the number you have calculated in (i)
(iii) Alter the start probability until the number of collisions halves. Give suitable evidence from your simulator results to show that the number of collisions has halved. Explain theoretically why the start probability you have found has halved the number of collisions.
(iv) Use the probability you have found in (iii) for a random start on both routes. What effect does this have on the number of collisions? Can you explain this theoretically?
what this question what to do!?
Consider the quatratic expression z^2+6z+1. Show that its roots are -3+-2sq2
Hello I have some question about the Rolle's theorem
Here is the question:
Use Rolle's theorem to show that f(x)=x^3+3x-5 has exactly one real root.
what is my limit!?I need some limit right!?
1)For the function f(z)=(z^2-2z)/((z+1)^2(z^2+4), find the residule at z=-2i. Hence find the integral of this function around a closed circular contour centred at the point zo=-2i,with radius1.
2)Identify all the singularities of the following function and fin the correspnding residues:
(ii) f(z)=(z-1)e^(i/z)
Many thanks:)
here is some exercises I have:
use the Cauchy integral theorem to evaluate the following contour integrals:
or use Cauchy integral theorem to find the following contour integrals:
Many thanks:)
Many thanks!!
Can I ask something?
when sometimes the exercises ask to use the Cauchy integral theorem how is work!?
I have just found out how to do the second question if someone know something about the first please tell me
I do know what to do!Is someone know please help!!!:/
Thanks Chrysostomou
Pages: 1