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1.Since A is a UFD,prime ideals in A coincide with maximal ideals.
Also,a maximal ideal in A if of the form (p(x)),where p is irreducible over K.
Since K is algebraically closed,we have a prime ideal(maximal ideal) in A is of the form (x-a),a in K.
Suppose q is a prime ideal in B lying over p,by thm we also have q is a maximal ideal in B.
Above is all I know by now.
But I still have no idea how to explicitily find one.
perhaps you can do one example for me?(fix one (x-a))
2."An element a/s is zero if and only if there exists a d in R with da = 0."
I think d should be in S(multiplicative closed set).
For my case,d should be B\q and
1.Yes,and I know by thm there exists one and if q1,q2 are two of them s,t
,then q1=q2.(1)
Let B:=K[x,y]/(y^2-x^2-x^3) and A = K[x], where K is an algebraically closed field .
Regard B as an extension over A.
For all prime ideals p in A,determine prime ideals of B lying over p.
This problem appears in my text book in exercises after the section " integral extension".
But I don't have a clue how to solve this... .
I am unfamiliar with problems concerning " quotient rings of polynomial rings".
Hope someone can explain this in some detail.
Let B be a commutative ring with identity and
I don't understand how "Fundamental theorem of Galois theory" works here.
Could you tell me more?
All I know is that
is solvable for all intermediate field .Sorry,the title should be "radical extension".
(1)Is there exists a polynomial
such that its splitting field is contained in a radical extension over ,but is not radical over?Thanks for any help.
Is it possible to write down the fixed field explictily(something like
(primitive 11th root of unity).I have shown that actually
,((primitive 5th root of unity)),Thanks for any help.
Thank you for you suggestion,Ricky.
Here is the answer I think.
Which roots of unity are contained in
,where is a square free integer?1.
Let K be a field.
K[x,y]:polynomial ring in two variables.
Is there exists a method to determine whether (x),(x^2,y),(x^2,x+y),(x^2,xy,y^2)...etc
are maximal or prime or primary ideals in K[x,y]?
Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring.
Let I and J be two ideals in R.
Show that if J is contained in Rad(I),then J^n is contained in I for some n.
I think I have to use the fact that J is finitely generated.
But I dont know how to find a generating set for J^n.
Thanks for any help.
1.What is the commutator group of A4?
Is there any simple idea to solve this problem?
2.Determine all conjugacy classes of 4*4 matrices A over R such that A^3 = A
I have seen the word "conjugacy classes" in group actions.
But I don't understand what it means here.
3.Show that there exists a subgroup H of a group G such that G is finitely generated but H is not finitely generated.
I know G must be non-abelian.but I can't find one.
I get it ! thx.
Let G be a solvable group of order n.
Show that there is a sequence of subgroups G = G0 > G1 >...>Gn ={e} such that for all i,
Gi+1 is normal in Gi and Gi/Gi+1 is cyclic of order pi for some prime pi.
Find "all" the Sylow subgroups of S5 and S6
I don't know how to find 1.Sylow 2-subgroups of S5
2.Sylow 2-subgroups of S6
3.Sylow 3-subgroups of S6
4.Sylow 5-subgroups of S6
I use Sylow thms to get the possible numbers of Sylow subgroups but don't know how to find the right one.
Even I know the right number.
How to find them all?
Let SO(n,R) := {A∈ GL(n;R)|A*At(transpose) = I}
Let T,D, I be the subgroups of SO(3;R) that preserves regular tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron respectively.
Determine their cardinality.
Thanks for helping.
I think now I know how to solve this problem.
Thanks for the hints.
Now I know 1.The center of G(Z(G)) must be of order 3.
2.Every subgroup of order 9 is abelian.
By 1 and 2,I know every subgroup(H) of order 9 contains the center(otherwise HZ(G) is abelian and has order 27 ->|)
How many subgroups of order 9 are there? <-- I still have no idea.
Need more suggestions.
Let G be a non-abelian group of order 27.
1.Show that every subgroup of order 9 contains the center.
2.How many subgroups are there?
I think I have to use the Sylow thms,but I don't know how.
Thanks a lot!!
Now I can finish my homework:D
"There are only two groups of order 6 up to isomorphism" Why?
Is there any simple explanation?
I'm just a beginner in basic group theory.
Thank you for answering.
Could you explain "As S4 does not have any cyclic subgroup of order 6 (if it did it would have to have either a 6-cycle or a disjoint product of a 2-cycle and a 3-cycle, neither of which is possible) all subgroups of order 6 are thus isomorphic (to S3 )."in detail(Why S4 does not have any cyclic subgroup of order 6=>all subgroups of order 6 are thus isomorphic (to S3 ))?
For any positive integer d|24 and d != 4,
the subgroups of order d in S4 are isomorphic.
What about subgroups of order 4?
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