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#1 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-21 03:20:18

Hi bobbym, I see no problem with removing one or two outposts!

#2 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-18 13:14:57

Hi bobbym, I agree that using only the 2 instruments to predict the 90 will be difficult. Especially as under normal circumstances we wouldn't be able to 'temper' the instrument with the 50 percentile data as usually we wouldn't know this. I will look foward to hearing how you get on with this last step. Thank you so much for your help, you have gone way beyond expectations on the amount of time you've spent on this.

#3 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-18 06:32:41

Hi bobbym, no need to apologize at all! That's a pain the software is not responding properly. However, residuals of 4.54 um is impressive!

#4 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-17 05:08:13

Hi bobbym, sounds great! Thanks again

#5 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-17 04:50:59

Sounds quite interesting (and complex!). I guess I have some reading ahead of me!

#6 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-17 04:27:07

That looks fantastic bobby, thanks so much. When you are happy with the fit/residuals, would
you be able to explain to me what you did to get to this point? Thanks

#7 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-17 03:28:02

Hi bobbym
that sounds pretty good!

#8 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 15:46:00

There are indeed a couple of large departures in the dataset that are a little difficult to decide if they are 'real' or not. Thanks for all your efforts on this, it is much appreciated.

#9 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 15:38:22

Hi Bobbym
If the fit is reasonable, I'll be pretty happy - I'm not looking for an exact fit as not possible with this type of data but if we're in the vicinity of 50 to 60% of the variance explained, that works for me!

#10 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 13:30:09

Unfortuntaley I only have the percentile values so I guess the 50th percentile represent the median particle size in microns rather than the mean.

#11 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 13:09:47

By all means bobbym! Unfortunately though the 50 and 90% are related in that they describe the 50th and 90th percentile of the particle size range for each sample (I also have the 10th percentile but that does not have much effect, physically speaking). I have done some plots looking at the relationship between individual instruments and the 50 and 90% and they are pretty scattered - the issue here is that the millivolt output is not just responding to the 50 and 90th but everything! However, the 90th will have more of an influence given the optics and wavelength of each instrument. That probably doesn't help much!

#12 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 12:49:43

Mainly as to my understanding it's quite useful for summarizing highly skewed data, which I suspect this is.

#13 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 12:36:49

Hi bobbym
Instrument 1 is responding more to the 50% and a lower 90% but then at around Time 5, there is an increase in the 90% followed by a decline in Instrument 1 and less of a decline in Instrument 2. To me that would suggest Instrument 2 is more sensitive to the 90%. As for post-time step 15, see comment #27.

A tricky problem to try and index I guess! Apologies for taking up a lot of your time today.

#14 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 12:23:05

To my eye the match between the two instruments occurs post-time step 15 where there is a relative increase in the 50% particle size and a slight decrease into the 90%. What is happening here is that the overall particle size range is closer to what the instruments both 'like' to see, hence the similarity in response.

What I was hoping to do was to develop some index that describes the relationship between the particle size and some index of the instrument response. For example, I tries, perhaps naively, plotting the geometric mean of the two instruments vs. just the 50% - the resulting relationship, although weak'ish, showed that as the geometric mean increased, the 50% particle size value dropped. I interpret this as meaning an increasing influence of the 90% but have no idea how you would differentiate between the two instruments e.g. if Ins 1 > Ins 2 or other way round. But I was hoping to be able to something more sophisticated involving the 90% as well!

#15 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 11:27:04

No problem at all


#16 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 11:03:28

Hi bobbym, sorry for all this hassle - here is the complete dataset and all should line up (the data goes overnight): time, 50th, 90th, Ins 1, Ins 2






#17 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 10:37:14

If it will help - sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where the data ended!

#18 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 10:32:30

and the remainder of the size data



#19 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 10:30:42

Oh woops - my apologies, I sent an incomplete dataset - if you add these values the relationship between the two instruments should improve towards the end (best seen plotted as two time series). This is really the crux of my issue as both instruments are "seeing" the same thing but the difference in response is likely caused by the ratio of coarse to fine particles.



#20 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 10:07:36

They are most sensitive, generally speaking, to the 5 um to 62 um range so coarse clay to fine silt. Depending on  how the optics are arranged and wavelength, you get varying sensitivity to the really small clays
and to sand.

#21 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 10:03:20

Yes that is correct - I have two turbidimeters, each from a different manufacturer.

#22 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 09:17:05

Hi bobbym
My thinking, which was more than likely incorrect, was that it would make it easier to understand the size mix index if it could be scaled so that 1 represented a large difference between the 50th and 90th values and values closer to 0 represented less of a difference. This was just an arbitrary idea on my part, as, obviously, a non-mathematician.

What I am trying to do is plot/find some sort of relationship between the instrument outputs (I have two that respond in slightly different ways) and the rock size size mix using the 50th and 90th to represent the entire sample. The idea is that if this relationship is reasonable, I can then use just the instrument outputs to roughly determine the rock size mix e.g. proportionally more larger rocks or smaller rocks.

The instruments both respond in slightly different ways especially if there is a lot of larger particles so my thinking was to use these differences to 'predict' changes in the mix of finer and coarser material.  So I guess I have two ratios/relationships that I am trying to compare: one between the 50th and 90th rock sizes and one between the two instruments outputs.

#23 Re: Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 08:53:03

Hi all
Thanks for your suggestion mathsyperson and point taken, bobbym.

#24 Help Me ! » Creating a dimensionless index » 2010-12-16 03:45:34

Replies: 51

Hi there
I have a problem that I need some help on. I have two sets of values where the ratio between the two varies in time - one is a measure of larger rock sizes and the other of smaller rock sizes from the same sample. What I am trying to do is come up with some type of index value that reflects the relative difference in sizes e.g. the Index value approaches +1 when the larger rock sizes are significantly higher than the small ones and -1 (or 0) when the larger rock sizes are closer to the smaller values. However, I'm not sure how I can do this. Any help or suggestions would be fantastic!



#25 Re: Help Me ! » exp/ln problem » 2010-03-16 21:01:51

Hi Identity,
Sorry I wasn't being clear - I can't figure out the steps to get from the first equation to the second. Thanks.

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