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As far as i see Tarry-Cazalas method (wich i never read except the link i gave you) works on Pfeffermann's square and i find this very interesting.
If you got more about Tarry-Cazalas method please share with me.
Separate both matrix as I say above in 2 square's A and B.
Take for example number 79 in Pfeffermann's incomplete square, 7+9=16=>1+6=7 and you got the B matrix value of 79.
Do the same with all the values and create the A matrix by your formula in the same order.
Tell me what you find intersting after you do that.
No problem bobbym, just let me know when you get it please.
Hi bobbym,
Yesterday I saw that the value of B matrix is the same as the sum of the corespondent value in the 9x9 bimagic square.
Take 28 as final value as my example, 2+8=10=>1+0=1=B.
All the square works the same.
From here by the formulas you gave me is easy to determine A matrix.
Check out this link: (in the left side go to Bimagic Squares 9)..
..take the problem put by G. Pfeffermann in 1891(bi-trimagic square) and split the matrices as I said and you will find some interesting things going on with the the numbers graviting around number 5.
I will do that. Glad to be around.
Good stuff to read. Thank you again bobbym.
I like it very much so i'll keep looking.
Hi bobbym,
I don't know how to generate 1 of them. Can you tell me where i can find something to read about this please!?
As far as i understand the numbers work as a vortex around 5 on clasic 3x3 lo shu. I know how to generate a Sierpinski fractal 1-81 but this does'nt helped me so far to understand how sudokus are generated.
Thank you.
Hi bobbym;
I appriciate your answer and help.
If i know one of the matrix is easy to determine the second one by the solution you give me.
Don't know how to determine both matrices if I see only the 9-th order square.
Thank you bobbym, your answer helped a lot.
Thank you bobbym.
I start to read about Lo Shu squares and I have found this way of building a 9x9 bimagic square from 2 Sudokus with the formula x(A-1)+B=y by Tarry-Cazalas method as you can see in the link below:
I was trying find out a way to determin the Sudokus if I know only the 9x9 square.
Problem is:
If x=9 and y=28 how much is A and B?
Thank you.
Pages: 1