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yes... i've heard some info about galerkin.. but,what is the difference? does the full discretization works more accurate than semi discretization? or the right moment to use one of them,when?
i agree.. discetization : when the DE has initial conditions
what is the difference between semi discretization and full discretization??
how to make a differential equation to be semi discretized?
hmmm.... how about semi discretization??
yup.. but from the first model at above (continuous model ) can you change it to discrete form (like in 50th page)..
yes.. you are on the spot... thank's
ooohh.. you have that book. please open the 50th page.. there is a deterministic model in discrete time for epidemics problem. can you show me how to find the stability of the model. especially if you can solve the stability depends on the Ro (reproduction number)...
so please.. help me dude..
i'm sorry.. i've just read epidemic modelling books by daley and gani... there are some discrete model on that book...
my exercise is to analyze the fixed point stability from discrete time epidemic model.but the model on that book can't be anlyzed, so i think to change from the continuous model to discrete model.. i'm so thankful..
hello.. i'm just confused about how to transform continuous form(differential equation) to discrete form
ex :
dS/dt = (alpha)*n- (alpha)*S - (beta)*S*I
dI/dt = (beta)*S*I- (gamma)*I
dR/dt = (gamma)*I
S = ??
I = ??
R =??
thank you very much...
Pages: 1