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what i want to know is there any more method of factoizing them
no i mean like (2^2n)-1 = ((2^n)-1)*((2^n)+1)
what are the methods for finding algebraic factors of (2^n)+-1
thanks can someone else find something more
my dad is writing an unlimited digit integer
he cant understand how to use the fast fourier transform method to do arithmatic
he has a A level in maths could someone explain or find a website that explains it for his level
i have worked out all the primes up to 200million in the past
can anyone find a foctorizer that goes to 2^64
what can we do to make our guests sign up
we usually have over 50 guests and very few regestered people
currently we basically have a board for puzzles
there is nothing being continuously answered really
i mean things like count to 1000, war of the world
could we have a spam section for games and spam
214003 ... 223229
37 now we can at least read each other
can we please post the number in numerals
if we r going to do that can we post the numeral and what language
7- سبعة, سبع arabic
my number 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
work that out!!!
pell's equation is X² - d × Y² = ± 1 not y²=(dx²)+1
i have tried transposing terms and i get X² =dY² ± 1 which is just x and y swapped except that it is ±1 instead of +1
this puzzle's equation is
yes it is just a time waster really there is no section for that
in the past i have only got to about 200 so i want to see how high we can get here
Post the next prime lets see how high we can get.
that answers 61 and 97
i have now worked out up to 300 except for things i cant find
what i want is a list showing what the anwer to each number is
this was a puzzle written by Arcamedis and later written about by Dudeney it is not a literal battle
it was a perfect square
the army bit is just to make it a more fun puzzle
when will i get solutions