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So what you are saying is that there is no amount of math on paper that can calculate the TV of an outstreached halfing? Cause I am just looking for MPH.... I figured it would not be too bad to figure out but I guess it is way more to figure than I had imagined.
Hm... as much as I know about math I know nothing about what kylekatarn just pointed out.
However I can tell you what a halfling is, think of a human being only 1/4th the size roughly... like a child that grows to be an adult in every way exept shorter life span and lacks the vertical height a human has. They are tricky little things. Read some TSR(Wizards books now) there are plenty of Halflings in those fantasy novels. Good books too.....
Well what do you need to know? The gravity is the same as earths... and the drag for an outstrached halfling is not all that great... right? 70 some pounds. What is the TV for a human being? Or a really short person... something along the lines of a child withe equiptment.
Yeah that sounds like a good idea... um lets say he is outstreached.... but I doubt that is too much drag. There are no parachutes in Farun.... well some one might have one..... some weirdo...
Alright... we were kinda curious about how fast a halfling would fall.....
So it weighs 50 pounds with oh... say 20 pounds of equiptment... knives... some food and other stuff.... a halfling would carry... like spoons...
Plus it is nice to beable to say you know what the terminal velocity of a halfing is... thanks for the help!
Pages: 1