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Pages: 1
Q: Why did the spider buy a car?
A: So he could take it out for a spin!
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Q: Why are spiders great tennis players?
A: Cause they have great topspin.
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Q: How did the spider destroy the (worldwide) web?
A: It gave it a bug.
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Q: What is a baby spiders favorite TV show?
A: Webster.
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Q: How do you know you've found a modern day spider?
A: He surfs the web and has a website.
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Q: When can you see a spider but not kill it?
A: On his webcast.
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Q: What do you call two young married spiders?
A: Newly webs!
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Q: Why are spiders good swimmers?
A: They have webbed feet!
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Q: What do get when you cross an eyeball with a spider?
A: A website.
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Q: Did you hear about the spider love triangle?
A: It was a tangled web.
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It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.
Pages: 1