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If you really wnat to help some one out, join Best Buddies. It is a program that pairs up "nomal" kids with kids with dissabilities, but all of the disabled kids ned friends, so it is a very good cause. Any questions, you can ask me, I am an officer for Best Buddies, so I have all of the info. Please post info on this page if you ant more info. Thanks!!
Sounds very worhwhile!
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
worthwlile MathsIsFun
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
Worthwhile, tigeree
Why did the vector cross the road?
It wanted to be normal.
Worthwhile, Tigeree, mathsyperson.
Sorry... but since we were playing the 'let's be picky' game...
oops *blushes*
People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.
~ Anton Chekhov
Cheer up, emo kid.
If you want more info, I am on board, so I have the hook up.
Sounds quite good, and worthwhile, as MathsIsFun stated. How exactly does this work, and where can we go to access more information on this subject? I am eager to learn more, as you rarely get this kind of thing (or so I am told).
yeah, a link or something familiar would be nice
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I just think it is appauling how people with disabilities are treated...although the behaviour of some people towards people with disabilities is getting better. However, I have seen quite a few people with disabilities reject an offer to be someone's friend. Some of them feel they do not want friends, and that factor of people with disabilities must be changed as soon as possible (does that make sense? I don't think so ). I don't have any explanation why some people with disabilities act in this way, though. People with disabilities just seem to reject friendship, as if they like being lonely, literally. I think it will be hard to change that...
Maybe they've had so many bad experiences with other people that they'd rather be left alone, and that way not get hurt?
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Or maybe they know, on some level, that they are being made a project, and reject this. (Think about it. "Normal" people get made projects with assigned friends too. How many of them don't resent it? And yet if you consider the situation rationally, you'll realize that the people offering charity friendship, no matter how false their motives may feel, are actually sacrificing themselves for your good and thus deserve your thanks. But when your higher brain function is limited by a disability, all you have is that subconscious reaction.)
Another possibility is that some of the disabled people who reject friendship are autistic. One of the most common and pronounced effects of autism is a severe social handicap. Autistic children are often described as being unaware of the existence of other people. Even when such awareness is reached, it often does not garner interest. So it's not that they like being lonely, or even feel lonely--it's that people don't interest them at all.
El que pega primero pega dos veces.
Pages: 1