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#1 2023-09-16 17:53:35

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 47,205

Call Quotes - VIII

Call Quotes - VIII

1. You can scream at me, call me for a shoot at midnight, keep me waiting for hours - as long as what ends up on the screen is perfect. - Arnold Schwarzenegger

2. By and large, the making of motion pictures is all about, 'Let's ratchet it up.' And I always think, 'We don't need to ratchet this up.' If you do, don't call it 'Captain Phillips' or 'The Maersk Alabama.' Call it something else, and then you have carte blanche to do anything, down to sea serpents and aliens. - Tom Hanks

3. I've always really just liked football, and I've always devoted a lot of time to it. When I was a kid, my friends would call me to go out with them, but I would stay home because I had practice the next day. I like going out, but you have to know when you can and when you can't. - Lionel Messi

4. There is an ancient saying among men that you cannot thoroughly understand the life of mortals before the man has died, then only can you call it good or bad. - Sophocles

5. By 2035, there will be almost no poor countries left in the world. Almost all countries will be what we now call lower-middle income or richer. - Bill Gates

6. In Downing Street they called me 'Boss'. Civil servants would always call me 'Prime Minister'. - Tony Blair

7. We will invest in our people, quality education, job opportunity, family, neighborhood, and yes, a thing we call America. - Dan Quayle

8. I am always saying, 'I don't believe in God; I believe in Al Pacino.' And that's true. If I ever get a phone call saying 'Would you like to work with Al Pacino?' I would go crazy. - Javier Bardem

9. Our established businesses of hydrocarbons, energy, and petrochemicals pretty much run on their own, with their own proven leaders. This has helped me focus almost exclusively on two things: Firstly, new businesses. And secondly, institutionalising what I call the Reliance Management System. - Mukesh Ambani

10. I'm addicted to Altoids. I call them 'acting pills.' - Harrison Ford

11. When you see a person, do you just concentrate on their looks? It's just a first impression. Then there's someone who doesn't catch your eye immediately, but you talk to them and they become the most beautiful thing in the world. The greatest actors aren't what you would call beautiful gender symbols. - Brad Pitt

12. It's always a wake-up call to get beaten. - Usain Bolt.


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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