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#1 2023-11-25 15:44:29

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 46,543

Cared Quotes - I

Cared Quotes - I

1. God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools. - John Muir

2. I've never cared for guns. In fact, when I did 'Scent of a Woman' I had to learn how to assemble one. - Al Pacino

3. All I cared about in tennis was winning. - Pete Sampras

4. I was a sociology major. And it had nothing to do necessarily with law, which is ultimately - I went to law school. But what I tried to do was choose something that I was passionate about or something that I cared about. - Michelle Obama

5. I'd occasionally do some exercises at home, but I never cared for gyms. - Roger Moore

6. I have never cared especially for outdoor sports and have no desire to excel at tennis, swimming, or golf. I'll leave those things to the men. - Marilyn Monroe

7. Socrates gave a lifetime to the outpouring of his substance in the shape of the greatest benefits bestowed on all who cared to receive them. In other words, he made those who lived in his society better men and sent them on their way rejoicing. - Xenophon

8. I inherited a sick economy and passed on a sound one. But one abiding regret for me is that, in between, I did not have the resources to put in place the educational and social changes about which I cared to much; I made only a beginning, and it was not enough. - John Major

9. Sure, I've done movies in which I was embarrassed by my performance, or might not have cared for a co-star. Then I'd have to tell lies, like, 'Oh, we love each other; everything was perfect!' - Sandra Bullock

10. I've seen other artists put out movies that went straight to DVD, and no one cared. Maybe their own fans bought the thing, and that was fine. - Mariah Carey

11. I'm such an avid magazine reader - music, art, beauty magazines - and I found that food and restaurants were pouring into everything I cared about. Whether it was the pop-up concept, or some mysterious mini-mall restaurant, I got swept up in the sexy romance of the food movement. - Drew Barrymore

12. My own mum cared about Hollywood, and I didn't. I wanted to act, and I loved the creativity of it, but I didn't care for the lifestyle. - Drew Barrymore.


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


#2 2023-11-25 20:13:49

From: Aleppo-Syria
Registered: 2018-08-10
Posts: 193

Re: Cared Quotes - I

Very nice quotes, thank you.

This reminds me what happened to me about quoting when I was at school.

My French teacher used to ask us to write always some quotes which could be related to the topic of homework. My problem was (still is) that I used to be interested solely in math and applied science more than anything else (I seldom read books offered by famous writers). Once, I wrote a sentence very clearly and carefully to reflect my idea about the topic of interest. I followed it with ‘Kerim said’ smile
On the next day, my grade was ‘a Big Zero’ followed with ‘Your teacher, Joseph, said’ big_smile

Last edited by KerimF (2023-11-26 16:57:59)

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But only a human may have the freedom and ability to oppose his natural robotic nature.
But, by opposing it, such a human becomes no more of this world.


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