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#1 2024-05-27 18:34:50

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 48,953




Numbness describes a loss of feeling in a part of the body. It also is often used to describe other changes in sensation, such as burning or a pins-and-needles feeling. Numbness can occur along a single nerve on one side of the body. Or numbness may occur on both sides of the body.


Most people will experience numbness, or loss of sensation, and the accompanying pins and needles feeling at some point. Sitting in one position too long or sleeping on your arm can cause numbness. This is usually temporary. Various medical conditions can also cause numbness.

Numbness and tingling, or a pins and needles feeling, often occur in these areas of the body:

* arms
* legs
* hands
* feet

Crossing your legs, sitting in one position for too long, or sleeping on your arm can all cause numbness. Generally, this is temporary and clears quickly. Chronic numbness may be a sign of a more serious condition, however.

This article explains common causes of numbness and when to contact a doctor.

Multiple sclerosis

Numbness in the face, body, or extremities is the most common symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS). For many people with MS, numbness may be the first symptom they experience.

This numbness may feel like:

* loss of, diminished, or altered sensation
* decreased feeling when touching something
* one leg feeling different from the other
* pins and needles sensation

There are no medications to relieve the numbness associated with MS. However, a new onset of severe numbness can be a sign of an MS relapse. In these cases, your doctor may recommend a short dose of corticosteroids to help aid in recovery.

Diabetic neuropathy

Diabetes can cause nerve damage, or diabetic neuropathy. It is the most common form of neuropathy and affects about 50% of people with diabetes.

Peripheral neuropathy is common in people with diabetes. Over time, high levels of glucose and fat in the blood cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels. Peripheral neuropathy typically affects the feet and legs. Sometimes, it can also affect the arms and hands.

Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include:

* numbness
* tingling
* pins and needles sensation
* pain
* weakness

Your doctor may recommend medications to help manage the pain. These may include:

* antidepressants
* anticonvulsants
* creams, patches, or sprays, such as lidocaine

Your doctor may also recommend physical therapy to improve strength and balance.


A stroke occurs when something blocks the blood supply to the brain or when a blood vessel bursts in the brain. Strokes can cause lasting damage. Acting fast and getting treatment right away is important.

The most common type of stroke is an ischemic stroke. With this type, a blood clot or other particles block blood vessels in the brain.

Treatment for a stroke is time sensitive. For an ischemic stroke, receiving medication within 3 hours of the first symptoms can break up blood clots. However, many people do not receive treatment in time. A doctor may also use blood thinners or other medications to treat the stroke.

Recovery from a stroke may include:

* speech therapy
* physical therapy
* occupational therapy



Hypoesthesia or numbness is a common side effect of various medical conditions that manifests as a reduced sense of touch or sensation, or a partial loss of sensitivity to sensory stimuli. In everyday speech this is generally referred to as numbness.

Hypoesthesia primarily results from damage to nerves, and from blockages in blood vessels, resulting in ischemic damage to tissues supplied by the blocked blood vessels. This damage is detectable through the use of various imaging studies. Damage in this way is caused by a variety of different illnesses and diseases. A few examples of the most common illnesses and diseases that can cause hypoesthesia as a side effect are as follows:

* Decompression sickness
* Trigeminal schwannoma
* Rhombencephalitis
* Intradural extramedullary tuberculoma of the spinal cord
* Cutaneous sensory disorder
* Beriberi


Decompression sickness

Decompression sickness occurs during rapid ascent, spanning 20 or more feet (typically from underwater). Decompression sickness may express itself in a variety of ways, including hypoesthesia. Hypoesthesia results because of air bubbles that form in blood, which prevents oxygenation of downstream tissue. In cases of decompression sickness, treatment to relieve hypoesthesia symptoms is quick and efficient. Hyperbaric oxygen is used to maintain long term stability, which includes breathing of oxygen at a level of 100%.

Trigeminal schwannoma

Trigeminal schwannoma is a condition in which a tumor forms on the trigeminal nerve (also known as cranial nerve five). This prevents sensation in the area associated with the nerve. In the case of the trigeminal nerve, this is the face, meaning hypoesthesia of the face is experienced. Excision is the only effective treatment of trigeminal schwannoma, though this may not treat the associated hypoesthesia if damage has already occurred. Following surgery, many patients still experienced hypoesthesia and some even experienced increased effects.


Rhombencephalitis involves bacterial invasion of the brainstem and trigeminal nerve, and has a wide variety of symptoms that may vary between patients. Similarly to the trigeminal schwanonoma mentioned above, this can result in facial hypoesthesia. Rhombencephalitis may also result in hypoesthesia of the V1 through V3 dermatomes. The main treatment option for this infection is antibiotics, such as ampicillin, to remove the bacteria.

Intradural extramedullary tuberculoma of the spinal cord (IETSC)

IETSC is a cancer of the spinal cord that involves hypoesthesia of all parts of the body associated with the affected spinal nerves. The inability to convey information from the body to the central nervous system will cause a total lack of feeling in the associated regions.

Cutaneous sensory disorder

Hypoesthesia is one of the negative sensory symptoms associated with cutaneous sensory disorder (CSD). In this condition, patients have abnormal disagreeable skin sensations that can be due to increased nervous system activity (stinging, itching or burning) or decreased nervous system activity (numbness or hypoesthesia).


Hypoesthesia originating in (and extending centrally from) the feet, fingers, navel, and/or lips is one of the common symptoms of beriberi, which is a set of symptoms caused by thiamine deficiency.


A patient experiencing symptoms of hypoesthesia is often asked a series of questions to pinpoint the location and severity of the sensory disruption. A physical examination may follow where a doctor may tap lightly on the skin to determine how much feeling is present. Depending upon the location of the symptoms occurring, a doctor may recommend some tests to determine the overlying cause of the hypoesthesia. These tests include imaging computerized axial tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, nerve conduction studies to measure electrical impulses passing through the nerves in search of damage to the nerves, and various reflex tests. An example of a reflex test would be the patellar reflex test.


Treatment of hypoethesia are aimed at targeting the more broad disease or illnesses that has caused the side effect of sensation loss.


It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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