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#1 2025-01-02 00:01:26

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 48,963

Choosing Quotes - II

Choosing Quotes - II

1. Because of who my husband is, and our life, and also he is number one in the polls - well, you take that all together, and people are very curious about me. I'm choosing not to go political in public because that is my husband's job. I'm very political in private life, and between me and my husband, I know everything that is going on. - Melania Trump

2. I made a better decision in choosing my team. Sure, I had a bigger choice of players to choose from - but I couldn't have asked for a harder working group of players who did an incredible job. - Vladimir Kramnik

3. The worst frustration for a singer is choosing a career in making music and then not being able to make music because you're always giving interviews. - Shakira

4. A man divorcing would never be accused of choosing career over children. - Jennifer Aniston

5. Many people out there don't have a choice in choosing their friends and the people they're being manipulated by. Thank God, I have that choice. I can use my judgment and choose. - Javier Bardem

6. Demographers affirm that choosing to have a second child is already a potential choice in favour of a third. - Vladimir Putin

7. I could not make mistakes while choosing films when I started out. - Kriti Sanon

8. I've always had the same principle for choosing roles, which is to try and make movies that I would pay to see. As I get older, that's meant different things. - Scarlett Johansson

9. Choosing death is no solution, romancing life is a choice. - Deepti Naval.

It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters and not the pupils. - Niels Henrik Abel.

Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge - Stephen William Hawking.


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