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#1 2006-09-09 19:56:36

Real Member
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 6,400

Slope - Slope of Two Points

Exercises on Slopes - Slope of Two Points

Write the slope of the line passing through the two points.

1. (-1,7), (1,5)
2. (2,2), (6,8)
3. (7,8), (0,5)
4. (8.2,6.9), (-20.1,-8.2)
5. (-8.4,6.9), (-8.5,5.1)
6. (-34,-41), (-26,42)
7. (-7,    8), (-4,-3)
8. (-25.7,-16.2), (-40.6,12.2)
9. (12,1), (36,-42)
10. (-1,-8), (-7,-4)
11. (2.1,3.8), (3.1,7.6)
12. (41.8,-18.2), (18.6,0.8)
13. (7,2), (-2,0)
14. (-42,21), (-25,3)
15. (-21,-24), (-2,-8)
16. (3.6,-4.2), (-6.6,-7.9)
17. (2,-6), (-1,-2)
18. (-1.1,-8.3), (-1.9,-3.6)



#2 2006-09-16 13:10:50

Prakash Panneer
Registered: 2006-06-01
Posts: 110

Re: Slope - Slope of Two Points

The formula for finding slope when two points are given is,

(The two points are (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).)

Slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1).

Using this formula, we can find the slope of the given points.


Last edited by Prakash Panneer (2006-09-16 13:11:09)

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#3 2006-09-20 04:27:21

Jai Ganesh
Registered: 2005-06-28
Posts: 49,664

Re: Slope - Slope of Two Points

Thats a beautiful formula given by Prakash Panner. As simple as that.
For any doubts on the formulae, you can always check our formulas section.
And as PP said, mathematicians work on formulas, the soultions would also be in formulas. Not a detailed solution set to all the problems, he he smile

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