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I am an eight year old math nerd and i like strange things.
just a little puzzle.
What are the meanings of these words?
Bye bye.
Welcome to Maths Is Fun, krollo!
#1 - A number raised to the eighth power.
#2 - In what context? Mathematically-based or not?
#3 - A unit of length equal to 10-8 cm.
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
A set can also be an Egyptian god.
Reading over that page, I found an 'amoung' near the start. There's also a use of 'on the contrary' further down that I'm not sure quite fits.
Great page other than that though. "Sets for dummies".
Oh, and welcome to the forum, Krollo. I almost forgot to do that.
Why did the vector cross the road?
It wanted to be normal.
4. A formal greeting said when leaving someone.
Derived from the Tudor expression God be with you.
Used in texting as CUL8R or similar
5. A word meaning the person you are talking to.
Used in texting as U.
6. An informal synonym for emoticon and is a face made using the symbols on the keyboard.
I am an eight year old math nerd and i like strange things.
Hi, Krollo! I'm just a couple years older than you, I'm eleven. Have a nice time here!
"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination," ~ John Lennon
Pages: 1