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hey math is fun i know i am fairly new here but i am slightly unhappy with not being a real member so will you do me a favor and make me a real member i know this is not the best place to ask you because its supposed to be for comments and suggestions but i also read some where that i should put it in a place where you will notice it and sense you are regestard to this part i put it herejavascript:insert_text('',%20'');
great things come from great minds
When you are a Real Member (like me), there is not much difference, other than a power or two that you will never use.
But although it was a good idea I use it sometimes and can be very useful.
OK, you have been here a while.
"The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God ..." - Leon M. Lederman
WHOOO partay y'know what ill do im gonna try 2 be the first peron to get to 2000 without becoming a real member or anything else... AND SEE WAT NEW RANK I GET WHEN I GO PAST 2000!!!!
Zappzter - New IM app! Unsure of which room to join? "ZNU" is made to help new users. c:
thank you mathisfun
great things come from great minds
what are the requirements for each rank and what powers do you get on every different level.
I hate people who hate people.
most people make mistakes, butt not me!
why is it when you are writing something important you run out of spa
yes, i have the same question as poewr man.
Two things keep us from living in the present. Past and future.